Without Apology

I am a strict Mom.

Without apology.

I lay out clear, age-appropriate expectations because I want you to know good and bad consequences follow your choices, learn appropriate boundaries and work out mastering self-control.

I require respect because I want you to understand the value in people.

When you do wrong, I explain your sins because I want you to first be concerned about your relationship with God, then learn to identify your sins so you can combat them through Christ.

When you do wrong, I explain how you can seek forgiveness because I want you to be able to let go of guilt and grow.

When you do right, I compliment you because I want you to take pride in doing the right thing.

When you do right, I point out how your good deed affected others because I want you to know the positive impact you can have on others’ lives. You can be such a wonderful example!

And regardless of your choice, I hold my arms out to you because I want you to know love that is not contingent upon behavior.

I am a strict Mom. Without apology.

I am not perfect. (I do find myself apologizing not for trying to teach you, but for my particular method of communicating the lesson sometimes. You are ALWAYS worth the lesson.)

But I strive to be intentional and consistent.

Because I know you’re watching. And my example is teaching you about Who God is and how He loves.

Discipline is out of love. A love that knows no boundaries, yet comes to where you are and says, “let me help you be the better version of yourself not for your own name, but for the glory of God”.

How in the world could I ever just leave you to yourself? To your own sinful guidance? To your own self-governing ways?

This Mommying is a process. (Thank You for Your grace, Lord.)

But I am a strict Mom.

Strictly out for your best.

Without apology.

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