O Come All Ye Faithful

“O come, all ye faithful…
joyful and triumphant…”

Celine Dion’s voice came to my ears.
And a smile flooded my face.
Tonight I was just sitting here listening to Celine Dion, grateful and joyfully enjoying my “night off”. How nice it is to do absolutely nothing for a change. =)
Celine Dion sang her usual love songs, flailing her gorgeous voice into the silent night air. And I hummed along and fake sung where I felt it appropraite. =)
And then all at once…

“O come, all ye faithful…
joyful and triumphant…”
goose bumps.
Christmas is fast approaching. I absolutely love this time of year. Not the shopping craze, or the santas on every street corner, or the gift exchanges.
No, none of that… not for that reason.
See, it’s in this season that I get to sit back and reflect on the amazing glory of our Lord first coming to this earth. Can you imagine Mary’s face when she saw God’s Promise placed in her own arms? Joseph? The Angels? The shepherds? What joy, what amazement and what utter awe must have struck everyone, every living thing to see that little babe.
I can’t wait for Christmas.
That’s my Savior! That’s Christ the Lord!
“O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,


5:45AM and I rolled over. My, my, what a sleep. 5 hours is not enough for anyone to run on. Franklin’s filter made it’s normal filter noises and shot out the jetstream at a few rock which clanked noisily in his tank. Great. Shhhh, I though, The noise will magically vanish without me having to get up to fix it. Go back to sleep, I tried to convince my head. Shhh, go back to sleep.
I managed to tune out the filter (well, kinda) but I worked hard at ignoring it at least. I rolled back over at 6AM.
I have to get up anyway. I grumbled in my head. No, wait… what day is it? Saturday. So that means I can sleep in til 7AM cause I don’t have to work til 8AM. Yay. I thought. [Now granted, it’s not Saturday, but honestly… first thing in the morning… It was good that I remembered I was working.]
Bleep. What is that? Bleep.
Shh, go away. just one more hour.
Come on, please? I don’t get enough sleep as it is and I’m really trying to.
Is it a fire drill? My thoughts immediately flew to 4:30AM firedrills at UT all during exam week because people were just plain mean and thought pranks were funny.
Man! I realized it was my smoke detector that they “supposably” came in to change the battery on two weeks ago. And sure enough, the battery was dying. AKA, they didn’t change the battery.
What time does maintenance get in?
Man!!! I got up. I just can’t ever get a good night’s sleep can I?
=/ …thanks… =/

(sigh) Day #47809485 without a good night’s sleep. Here we go!

I shook it off.

It’s all good… (bounces around in a Rocky fighting stanz) I got this!

Study of Quality Text

Oh how mine heart longeth for the days of yore,
Blissful, youthful, joyous hour spent with thee, dearest “Study-of-quality-text”.
Hours, days passeth whilst in thine midst.
Thine captivating lyric accenting thine smooth, gentle leaf.
Thou art, dare say, fascinating?
Nay, mine eloquence fails to expound thine true beauty.
But alas, I must resist thee whilst exercising the prospect of achieving satisfactory caliber in universital, though institutional, standing.
Alas, woe is me, for mine heart belongs to thee, dearest “Study-of-quality-text”.
Soon I shall return to thee, fully embracing the joy of thine comfort and companionship.
Forget me not. Forget me not, dearest.
My leave shall be brief, for mine genius (HA!) be beseemed to another.
Yeah, it bring much sadness to disclose the name of the other that consumeth mine furlough.
But thine truth requireth such a name from mine lips.
Alas, mine hated,
mine torturer,
mine disputant defiler bare the name;
Woe, mine heart cries in shame!
Forgive me. Pity my dishonor.
Pity mine humiliation of the very devotion I pledged thee, “Study-of-quality-text”.
Thou art mine only true object of affection.
I shall return to thee posthaste.
Alright, alright… I better get back to studying for exams.
Enough messing around.
– Bummer –

Mailed Mystery and Awe

As usual, I grabbed the mail on the way into my apartment. I sorted through the mail at the mailboxes in front of my apartment, trying to find anything with my name on it. I got a bit disappointed when nothing but ads read “Monica Elvy”. Inside, I headed straight for the “coffee table” and sorted out the mail into 3 piles for my roommates. That’s when I found the envelope. “Monica Elvy” read the square sunflower envelope. “Ohh, who’s it from?” I looked for a return address, but there was none.
Inside my room, I opened the envelope to find a traveler’s check with $100 addressed to me. “What?” I was confused. “Why would anyone send me $100?” Then my mind reverted to the mysterious $400 that had turned up in my mailbox last year with my name on the envelope. I flipped the envelope back over to discover that the address was written in the exact same way that the previous envelope had been written. See, you’d think an address would we written the same, regardless of the sender, but this case is not true. My address, when I give it to people, is not written in the same way as these two envelopes.
I stood there, staring blankly at the envelope. Then I discovered, unlike the last envelope, this one contained a letter inside. The letter contains the following;
You are an inspiration to me and to many others. Thank you for loving God and people. He loves you, and I know He will use you to do awesome things. Life can be so exciting! It can also be hard, so please use this gift to ease some of that and know you are loved and lifted up.
– heart –
No words came.
– Awe, pure awe. –
Soli Deo Gloria.

A Hobbie

[The last box says, “The secret to enjoying your job
is to have a hobbie that’s even worse.”]

Ahhh… so that’s what I’m lacking.

Chaos at it’s Finest.

So I would like to begin with a general explanation fo the “situation”. Due to the fact that I have taken a plethera of classes at WSU and UT alike, the University College ‘kindly’ informed me yesterday in a letter that I was being denied financial aid starting next quarter if I did not declare a major.

Today marked the application deadline day for the Social Work department. [AKA, University College, I’M TRYING!]

So last night when I recieved the letter and was struggling to figure out all the details that I seemed to be uninformed about, that officially marked Monica’s 1st breakdown of the quarter. [Oddly enough, I really didn’t think my first breakdown would come from my major, but then again… breakdowns don’t really tend to warn you about their arrival.] Despite being locked off ROX (my access to register for my classes for next quarter) and despite slim chances that I will be able to meet the requirements that will allow me to be accepted to the Social wrok major because of the dwindling number of open seats left in my needed classes, I came to a peaceful conclusion. And thanks to three wonderful friends, I made it through breakdown 1 with impeckable “delight”.

I went to University College this morning to ask them, basically, to have patience and inform them of my current efforts toward the Social Work major. There I discovered that the advisor I have been seeing fo rthe past 2 years is not my official advisor [odd that that never came up in our meetings] and that my official advisor was not going to work with me at all. I was then handed a piece of paper and told that my options were either to continue to be in University College without a major and without financial aid or to find another major. My official advisor then told me that Sociology best fit my current stack of classes, so I should change my major to that and then work from there between the Social Work departments and the Sociology department to transfer into the Social Work Major. [Confusing you? AMEN!]

So I signed the paper because without signing the paper I could not schedule for my social work classes for next quarter and I headed to the social work department.

Upon walking into the social work department I #1. turned in my application, #2. put my name on a waiting list to talk to the SW (Social Work) department chair, and #3. noticed that my current SW Professor was on the phone in her office. I decided it would be in my best interest to swing in and ask her if I could speak with her after class. I popped my head in after she hung up the phone.
“Hey!” She welcomed my familiar face.
“Hey. I was wondering if you might have any time after class today to talk with me? I mean, I’m sure you have a lot to do…”
“Of course,” She cut me off, “I mean it’s crazy around here, but sure, sure…what’s it regarding?”
“Um,” an unexpected lump arose in my throat, “so, I got a letter from the university that says I can’t be a social work major and my financial aid is going to be cut next quarter if I…” I couldn’t finish.
“Ok, well, let’s see…” She spoke with concern. “I have an apointment at 10:30 [my watch read 10:26] but it should be fairly quick and my next apointment’s not til 11 so do you have anything to do or can you hang around for a bit?” She openned a doorway of opportunity.
“Yeah, sure I can just hang here and study.”
“Great.” Came her response.

So breakdown #2 of the quarter occured in the hallway as I was going to get a drink of water in waiting for Dr. Baker’s apointment to conclude. I guess the stress and the events of the morning caught up with me. But thanks to mom, I was able to walk back into the department with, granted, red eyes, but with a restored determination.

Despite the possibility of adding an additional year onto my graduation date, I left the Social Work Office with two people on my side; Dr. Baker, my Professor, and Dr. Brun the chair for the Department of Social Work [AKA, the Big Cheese of the SW department]. And I also left the office with one other thing; a piece of paper signing me into the closed SW 271 class.

There battle is far from over, but I am at peace that God is obviously handling this one.

~ Soli Deo Gloria. ~

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