How Shallow Feels

What does shallow feel like?

Is it something you can taste?
Is it something you can see?
Is it something you know you are in…
you are doing…
you are saying…?

Maybe it’s just that you don’t know what shallow looks like…
what shallow feels like…
what shallow tastes like until you know the fullness of depth.

The sweet tastes …
with the bitter…
the beauty…
with the ugly…
the overwhelming sense of “you belong”
with the sense of “sticking out”
that echoes in your soul through depth.

And yet… It’s enough to make you never want to feel the shallow again.

Never, never, never again…

Lord, protect me from the shallow.
May I encourage others to depth with Your words… not my own.

I love you, Lord.

Faithful Servant

This thought reflected through my thoughts again this morning. And it is interesting to think of all that in light of all the new proposals of “my generation”.

“Aren’t you excited?” My best friend asked me in light of the new news of someone else’s proposal.
“Yeah…” Came my unexcited response. “I guess.”

Oh don’t get me wrong… proposals are fantastic! [I am biased.] The joy is fantastic! [Again, biased.] But the divorce rate kinda scares me. Oh it doesn’t scare me in light of thinking that Matt and I would ever get divorced. And it’s not one of those naive “we’ll never do that,” sayings. Truley… Matt and I have discussed the seriousness of marriage and how divorce is not an option. Faithfulness, even in trials, is a life moto of both of us. But… I wonder if that’s every newly engaged couple’s moto.

I guess while my thoughts are overjoyed with the thought of friends and aquantances becoming engaged, my heart simultaneously hurts for those who will fall to the statistics of divorce. My heart hurts for those currently married who have put God into a box and take Him out on Sundays and thier marriage reflects that choice.

“Have you looked for a dress?” was asked to me.
“Nope… but I think I passed my exams!” verbalized.
I have nine months… I’ll look soon enough. Came internally.

I guess it’s just this thing… August 25th is one day… yes.. one day that we’ll have in our memories. Yes the beginning of “one”. But it is just that… one day. I’m focusing less on spending a huge amount of money for one day and more on preparing my mind for the endurance of marriage.
Oh I am so excited for August 25th. I am! Because that will be the start of fulfilling my promise to God that I will live the rest fo my life striving to follow God as Matt’s wife, wherever He takes us and whatever may come. But how much more exciting… how beyond expressions exciting is the thought of spending the rest fo my life fighting the good fight with Matt. That blows the wedding day out of the water in my mind. And while a good start is always nice… the race is won through endurance, not a sprint.

I pray that more and more Christ-followers will race with endurance.

May more and more of us when we come face to face with Beautiful Jesus hear the words…
‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’

He’s what I live for.

To God be all the glory.
Thank You for saving my heart, my soul and, Lord… thanks You so much for saving my mind.

To Avoid the Label of ‘Crazy’

You know a lot of people do things to avoid the label of ‘crazy’.

But not me.

So it snowed last night! YEAH!!!!
This morning I awoke and saw the remnants of snow powdering the grass and my car. And what thought did that trigger in my mind?
You got it! Let’s go for a bike ride.

I checked the weather prediction to decipher how many layers I needed. Once fully layered, I was off. Some people may fear frostbite… but not me. Afterall, you can only live once. Right?

Yes, the thirty degree air was crisp. Yes, I couldn’t feel my cheeks. Yes, I’m still fighting off my cold. Yes, my nose ran constantly. But my oh my it was fun. [Especially the part where my gears jammed in the middle of Woodman Road’s traffic.] Heck yes! Life is truly fun!

I gotta be honest.. I was just tired of this sickness taking me out. And who knows… maybe some good frigid air and a continually running nose will do the trick.

Even if it doesn’t… I had fun.

Thanks God, for the simple blessing of a bike ride.

Have a wonderful day all!

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