I think it’s safe now

So a while ago in May to be precise, I got the opportunity to play. Jes in her wonderful ideas decided to make a special gift for her hunny. And while I was trying to still figure out the sweet camera I borrowed from my friend, some neat shots arose from the “to be deleted” category. Thought you might enjoy seeing a few. Cause reader… this is what Monica enjoys. No, I am not any good at it and yes I borrow a friend’s camera. But I really do enjoy taking a picture that captures a thought and an emotion. And just maybe some day I’ll actually get good at it. Ehh… probably not. But it sure won’t keep me from still shooting. =)

Anyway.. here’s studio Jes and friends who helped her and 2 outside shots:

an unexpected shot seen and actually captured

a posed but fun

just caught

(which was hard cause she’s a mover)

Jim on the keys

it actually started raining for us which was pretty cool

(Daddy was even outside holding an umbrella so the camera wouldn’t get wet.

I felt all photographer-y. – Dad’s great!)

this one I think she ended up using on the front cover.

after taking it I wondered “what is she thinking?”

and then this one’s a little blurry, but I still am kind of drawn to it for some reason.

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