Last night’s doctor’s visit provided the following information:
- I’m 1cm dilated (will need to get to 3-4cm before hospital admittance) – hey, progress is progress.
- Doctor was concerned about my high blood pressure, which ironically went down during the visit (maybe sheer relief that the check was over), but asked me to come in on Friday to recheck before the weekend.
- Doctor is concerned that baby is “a big baby” and has scheduled an ultrasound for Friday at 2:30p to verify size and birth-ability. – which means we’ll get to find out for ‘certain’ baby’s gender among other statistics about baby. And my biggo stomach is “all baby” according to the doctor which is crazy to think when you see my stomach.
- There’s a chance that pending upon blood pressure counts and “big baby” status we’ll be having baby this weekend – after being admitted into the hospital upon the ultrasound. – But again, they may let me keep going if all is “normal for delivery.”
And then again there’s always the chance of having baby prior to Friday depending on how quickly I advance in dilation. So in other words, all this to say… the end is quite near. And we’re all excited here. =)