
As you might have noticed, I opened the window and brightened up the blog page a bit. It was time for a change and I enjoy the yellow. If the text is hard to read in the contrast (since I don’t usually read my text on my actual blog site) then let me know and I’ll see what I can do to fix it.

As with this blog page change, we have been instilling little changes in our household to better the environment (no, I have not been evicted). We’re trying harder to focus on Jesus in our everyday lives and integrate more of Christ into our thoughts and conversations. Thus has begun the following changes:

– the Family Goals : We set up 3 goals (summaries of the values we wanted to add to our lives in the next year) and two specific sub-goals underneath each of the three goals. Our goals are as follows:

  1. Integrate more scripture into our daily lives
  2. Talk more about Jesus
  3. Pray and Worship more as a family

We’ve added writing scriptures on bathroom mirrors, reading the same scriptures daily as your spouse (good accountability at mealtimes), praying with our kids, a family worship time weekly, and a few other things to try to grow closer to Jesus as a family. We’re taking it piece by piece and integrating each piece into our lives until it becomes normal. Then when the year turns over we can assess our ability to do these things and add/change things as needed to better serve Christ as a family. Our hopes is that instilling these attributes with Rachael and Abi while they’re babies will help it not to seem so foreign to keep Jesus on your mind later in life.

Also had a little fun in making a scrapbook page of our family goals, framing it and putting it on the wall.

We also added a Mommy chore chart so as not to find myself distracted and overwhelmed by the self-destructing house. I made a second scrapbook page saying “to do” with the days lined up much like a calender. Then I put it in a frame up on the wall and sue a dry-erase marker to write the chores onto the glass of the frame. That way things can be subject to change should one of those days arise in which Abi REFUSES to be put down. It’s nice to feel the accomplishment of completing a task and saying, “Sorry, that isn’t my focus for today” when distractors arise (no, I won’t let a toilet explosion keep flooding the house until I can get it written on the chore list).

These two changes, which ultimately have resulted in more changes, have not only helped me feel more organized in my efforts to better serve my family, but also help me feel like I’m able to contribute more and use my time more honoring to God. Managing the chore list and reminding myself of the ultimate goal to raise a God-honoring family is pushing us closer to Christ. (Reminds me of God telling the Israelites to keep the Word of God attached to their foreheads -Ex. 13:9- and repeat the Law of the Lord day and night -Psalm 1). Funny what a little intentionality will do for the soul.

How are you finding new ways to bring Christ to the forefront of your family’s minds?

We Lost Him

Today I miss Jesus.

The Body of Christ can be sticky and ugly sometimes when we forget about Jesus. So many times I find it easy to get lost in the talking about nothingness that Kingdom Work seems to have fallen off the map. It’s as if talking about family vacations, potty training, pets, new home repair projects, and a whole other list of things takes the spotlight to the things God is doing all around us.

I miss sitting amongst a group of believers whom want nothing more than Jesus.

I miss talking about Jesus and sharing about Jesus and being obsessed with Jesus so much in conversation that you leave the conversation with an even greater hunger for Him than when you started.

I miss the edifying speech that supernaturally overflows amongst friends who are seeking Jesus in their lives.

How come it feels like those people have fallen off the planet in some churches?

How come it feels like those people have left the Bible Study table?

How come it feels like Bible Study and Fellowships are less and less about Jesus and more and more about some created agenda, two second devotion amid small talk, or fake prayer requests as a means of venting home-life frustrations?

I am not trying to be critical for the sake of being critical. There really is a point here.

Have we found we have been traveling for days with our friends and neighbors only to panic after three days realizing we left Jesus behind in the city? How terrifying to realize that we have gone through the motions of Christianity and been traveling for days, or even longer, without the Savior?

How can you too make the Mary and Joseph u-turn to go back for Christ?

God has been challenging me with this for a while.

And I just miss Jesus.

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