One Month

Our precious Hannah is one month old today. My how the time flies. And my, my how we adore this precious little girl… our Hannah Joy. =)

 love this one. 
 so sweet.
 hehe. such personality. 
 12lbs of 1 month old good eating. 
 Hard life. 
 Her precious and long little fingers. 
Solid sleep.

 Little red-tinted hair. =)
She slept through the whole photo shoot despite obviously changed positions. Oh to be so small. =)

Wordless Wednesday: Aglow!

A play fort and some glow sticks make for an afternoon of jubilation.

Our fort.
Lights on.
Lights off. =D
Hannah’s participation.
Hannah’s glow sticks in live action. =D
Picnic lunch, follow the leader, drumming, light swords, and glowing bath play all resulted in MUCH delight for us all. 
– Gotta love great fun with simple stuff.

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