Hello, fellow friends!
So it’s been a little busy around here, please refer to the five in the side margin. That being said, we’ve been learning and growing and overcoming much over the past weeks of posting silence.
One huge obstacle is settling on a sleep training method most effective for our little Redheaded Stubborn. We’ve carved out the most affective sleep routine and have been implementing it for 2 weeks now. It has a mixture of snuggling, singing, nursing (as needed), fussing (as needed, due to those more socially overwhelming or overly tired scheduling realities) and MUCH MORE sleeping. While there are still hiccups (we’re in the teething stage, people and we’re doing our guessing time like a pro) and off-moments. Our little Hannah is having more sleep time and less exhaustion.
A second huge obstacle we’re overcoming is Little Man’s sleeping chaos – cause people it was some serious chaos for a while. Can you blame the sick boy? But there’s also the reality that Little Man is prone to illness, so the bro needed to learn how to work through the oogies since most of his winter sleep has and will most likely be (yes, it’s Spring but the weather doesn’t seem to reflect that) oogie sleep. That being said, Little Man is sleeping much better, not quite fully to “what a child should need to sleep to be at their best” standards, but much more age appropriately. And we’re beginning night weaning too since he’s MORE than old enough and responsive enough to our love over shrieking until a bottle is put into his mouth (one of the few constants in his past).
As a result of the two above paragraphs, things are once again taking a swing back to “normal” and we’re able to apply our minds to anything other than half-hearted and exhausted survival.
Oh and did I mention that we overcame lice again? (Sigh). And sadly, Big Guy’s loveably longer hair didn’t make it this time. So sporting a shorter and more grown-up cut, we’re welcoming in the Spring and hopefully nicer weather.
Homeschooling is happening more often than not (being real). So that’s nice. Cause like Rachael’s education being put on hold due to random sickness crisis is not a good educational goal here. And once again Ms. Commentator is thriving and glowing in her schooling blooming.
We’ve also been doing some fun projects and things that you’ll see here in pictures for the next few weeks. And while I can’t promise to always post a bazillion times like I was before *ahem* having 5 kids age 5 and under… I am happy to announce that I am going to return to my documenting/sharing routine.
So with laundry being ignored, a baby on my lap, and 4 down for nap… I’d like to announce “I’M BACK!!!!”
Ok, now I really gotta go do the laundry. It must get off my couch today…. MUST. I mean afterall it’s been living there for almost a week. HA!
Thanks for checking back and sticking with me.
– Hugs!