This morning my oldest, Rachael, decided to make Abi a birthday present. She sat at the craft drawer for a while brainstorming. She gathered her supplies plus a few extras just in case. She sat at the table for a half hour compiling her gifts while Abi sat bright-eyed saying, “I love presents.” Rachael carefully spelled out her words in vibrant first grade markered fashion. And pieces fell all over the place as she fabricated a “birthday girl” button and board game out of craft scraps. Abi say quietly, viewing the final product.
I immediately got a little nervous that materialism might creep in and crush Rachael’s heart through Abi’s disappointment or unrealistic expectations. But instead this little voice of amazement arose as Rachael pinned on her shirt the fabricated button with a colorful paper clip. “This is a GREAT present,” she partially whispered in her excitement.
I love their little hearts. It was a sweet moment of affirmation and love to see on both of their faces. Such light in their eyes. Such delight in something so simple.
– Thankful, grateful and beyond blessed by our Lord.