Not Forgotten

Nap time can be hard. Especially when you’re two years old. And you’re the only one out of the big kids that has to stop what you are doing and go to bed. 

She’s made some advances. Accepting her fate. And climbing in after hugs and kisses without complaining. 

But some days it’s hard. Being awake is just so fun! There’s giggling to be had and squealing too. And then she’s told the dreaded “five more minutes”. And then she finds herself stowed away in her bed. Demoted to the “little kids” bracket. It’s Hannah’s personal life goal to be a big kid. Napping just doesn’t fit.

Yesterday was one of those days. Tears hit. “I don’t want to nap” called over the baby monitor. I hadn’t made it to the room yet. One last pair of hands to wash up after lunch. 

And then the monitor went silent suddenly. And I came in to find this: 

A big sister’s compassion had emptied the contents of her own bed of special loves, surrounding Hannah with friends. You almost can’t find her in there, she’s so loved. 

My little Blondie has such a beautiful heart of love for her little sister. Such a sacrificial giver.

It’s so sweet how they care for each other so.

– Thankful, grateful and beyond blessed. 


She toddled around today for nearly an hour holding this little green cup. 

It had come from the bathtub where she first took a fancy to it. It fit just right in her hand. Mr. Green cup made jailbreak from the tub and even survived a vigorous drying from the dreaded pink towel of doom (just ask Eden how awful that fun-stopping towel really is!). 

We could hear Mr. Green cup clicking on the kitchen floor as she crawled.

Tapping on the walls as she marched through each calculated step. This. Foot. Next. She used Mr. Green cup to regain balance. 

Then during her nap time nursing session, Mr. Green cup joined us… naturally.

Until at last he fell from her sleeping grasp as she sank deeper into my arms. 
I don’t know if Mr. Green cup will be forgotten after nap time. But I can tell you one thing: when her little post-nap eyes open, she will find Mr. Green cup there in her crib. Just waiting. 

Because to her, Mr. Green cup is important.

So that makes him important to me too.  

– Adore her so.  ðŸ™‚

A Pinchy Stick

Yesterday my little ladies each had a blood draw to complete some medical testing protocol for the missions board. I prayed over them for a few days and we chose not to inform them of the process until utter last minute so as to alleviate as much anxiety as possible. We strategically divided our more dramatic loves and went Noah style, two by two, into the back exam room. First up was my cohort: Abi and Eden. I chose for the Shakespearen candidate to go first. 😉

When we got into the room I informed her of the test’s procedure. Her face immediately went sour but she wearily climbed onto the table. The doctor and her med assistant were FANTASTIC at explaining each part of the process in kid language and reassuring Abi along the way. A few tears were shed at the needle’s pinch but Abi easily collected herself thereafter, happily selecting an Elsa sticker and an orange Popsicle as she watched more of Disney’s Tangled. 

Next up, Eden smiled and waved until she began to be restrained. Then panic began to sink in a bit. I leaned over her and rubbed her cheek with the stick’s cry. And once the bandaid was applied that was it. All fear was gone. 

Matt took the last two victims after their vocalized Popsicle envy while Abi, Eden and I returned to our waiting room distractions. Ten minutes later Matt returned with two bounding children and a report that Hannah was nervous but leaned into Matt, flexed her self-control and never cried once. Rachael shed a few tears but moved on quickly. 

No drama. No phobias. And Abi even thanked the doctor on the way out.

That, my dear friends, was the hand of God at work.

We celebrated their bravery at Chickfila where everyone knows that dreams come true. 😉

– Thankful, grateful and beyond blessed! 

Our Eden

These are then and now pictures of our little delight a year ago and now.

Crazy how fast a year goes.

She kept saying “hi” to her newborn picture. Hehe

She’s so fun.


One benefit of having sweet big sisters…

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You have strong encourages of personal achievement.
Abi started this game with Eden and Eden loves it. Eden will drop everything She’s doing and walk all the way across the room to Abi’s beckoning.

 [wpvideo tzHpxo5W] 
Sisterhood. It’s so beautifully sweet to watch their bond grow.
– Thank you, Lord.

Wordless Wednesday: Bugger

We caught a moth in our house. And that’s a big deal because we don’t like bugs.

But God has been working on these sweet little ladies and overcoming their fears.

So we’re learning to like bugs.

Or at least tolerate them… 😉

– Thank you, God.

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