Quiet Love

She is a talker, people! At a few weeks shy of three years old and the third child SHE has something to add to this family. And she’s not holding back, friends! Oh no. She can round-up the children, hand out the game plan and organize this herd to live to its highest potential. Or at least that’s what she thinks. Yes, my little lady is my self-appointed mouthpiece. And while it’s not done in rudeness, though she has her moments of “flare” ;), Ms. Little is anything but quiet around here.

But then comes the night.

And that’s when it happens.

There is no need for words.

Nothing is spoken.

The door just creaks.

She mounts the footboard.

And finds that one spot.

Remember how he was gone for a bit this summer? It was the normal youth events. The normal goodbyes and the week of waiting for his return. Remember how she missed him?

Well I finally caught it “on film”, dear ones.

There in the quiet of the night.

I didn’t want it to get lost in the shuffle of the daily noise.

She loves so deeply, dear ones.


Day and night.

– Her heart is beautiful.

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