The past two weeks were filled with packing and goodbyes.
First we said goodbye to our three fur babies, Piper, Pounce and Pipsqueak, as they moved to their new homes. We still miss our fur loves, but we know they’re settling in well to their new families.
We had our last Sunday at the church on June 26. So many wonderfully dear friends came out to say goodbye as Matt preached his last sermon with a prayerful, thankful and hopeful goodbye.
We crated Tuesday, June 28th. Thanks to our dear friend, Ms. Susan, the girls were able to hang around to see everything packed into the truck and play next door at the church when they got bored. The three oldest little ladies then went down to my Mom’s house for a slumber party while Matt and I kept little Eden for the next two days of cleaning. And then on Thursday we quietly said goodbye to our church and our home for the last ten years.
Goodbye kitties, goodbye house, goodbye local church body.
We are beyond thankful for these past 10 years.
Cheers to a new chapter in life’s beginning.