(pronounced “soozjoo”) is the Portuguese word for dirty. And that brings us to our “daily living in Africa” reality.
Today’s difference between living in the States and here: Super Dirt!
Dirt, dirt, dirt and more dirt.
I’m not just talking about outside. Oooh no, that dirt finds it’s way into everything. It casually floats in through the window, covering everything. Like I’m talking EVERYTHING! My Bible sat on the shelf for 2 days, because I used a different Bible one day, and that shelf Bible had a layer of dust that slid down the cover like it had been on an American shelf for years! Now that could be a sermon illustration in itself about the importance of daily Bible reading, but I’m no pastor. 😉
Dust. Dirt. And more dirt!
This is one day’s worth of dirt.
(Can you tell who wore princess shoes most of the day?)
And we don’t even live on a dirt road!!! And we have a paved yard!!!
Can you tell why we take nightly baths around here?!!
So we have two choices: embrace the reality of dirt or be miserable.
Guess which choice we’ve made? 😉
So next time you dump out the vacuum canister and feel overwhelmed by the dirt, recall that picture of our filthy feet and smile. =)
Sometimes you just have to laugh – afterall it’s Africa!