Wordless Wednesday: Fresh From the Tap

Who wants a drink?

We’re BEYOND thankful for the WMU’s gracious gift of our water filter so we don’t partake from the tap.

– Sometimes it’s green, honestly.

– Year-round boil advisory. 😜

– Still thankful to actually have running water in our home.

Embracing Foreign

When we found some stringy egg noodles at the local Chinese store and the tourist shop an hour away had some chopsticks for sale, we couldn’t resist some fun crossing cultures for lunch.

Some of us were more naturals. (I LOVE her confidence.)

And then there was the rest of us…

But it was fun, nonetheless

And definitely a repeat. 😉

Oh Brothers Let’s Go Down


You may have had a chance to see Matt’s post about the recent baptisms in Maxixe, but I wanted to take a minute to share the “behind the scenes”.

Here are some video clips of the reality, joyfully embraced, of the whole church walking over 2 miles roundtrip to and from the baptismal service.



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Even little Eden put forth such a joyfully willing effort to trod along in the sand.



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Once there everyone settled in a minute as we got organized and the kids naturally enjoyed each other’s company. And as I shared on baptism day, our baptismal had ten cattle drinking, two herdsmen bathing, and one woman beating her freshly-washed laundry in a beached log. Oh wonderful Africa, how we love thee. 😂




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Before baptism, each candidate shares their personal testimony (as was done by this youth in Chopi and was translated for Matt into Portuguese). One day we may not need a translator, but for today it was really cool to hear both tongues share of God’s work in each candidate’s life.



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After shared testimonies, the church is open to question the candidates. It was an open floor for any of the candidates to be individually addressed and asked questions clarifying their testimony, theology, etc. Some such questions were asking for an explanation of what is the gospel and what are their plans and thoughts about the Christian walk after baptism. I love how the Chopi group wanted to be sure their candidates were rock-solid and fully understanding of the symbolism of baptism (and not the saving powers) and the new Christian’s responsibility to the Body of Christ.


Then the candidates went away while the Body of believers decided if they were ready for baptism. It was very interesting and in no way a formality. They were really deciding and talking among themselves about the salvation stories and the candidates’ answers to their questions. And then, because the Chopi know how to have a good time, they called the candidates over and notified them that none of them are qualified and it’s time to walk back to the shade tree. Then they immediately told them that of course they were joking and that they’d be thrilled to have them join the Body of Christ there in Chopiland. Haha! These people are flat out fun.



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Into the waters they showed the story of their lives before salvation and out of the water they came as new creations in Christ.

And then we all walked back, some of us dripping more than others. Some of the little ones, like Eden, had gotten tired from the first walk and found a refuge on the back of willing siblings and friends. That’s what community looks like. And it’s beautiful.



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Back to the shade tree for a celebration service and the first Lord supper for the new believers among the Body.

Farewell and everyone departed afterward, promising to see each other again for Tuesday’s Bible Study under the shade tree. I may or may not have had to wake up a small one who knocked out cold during the service. 😉

God has been reminding me lately how we have come to really live among those here. It’s sweet little “see you on Tuesday” normalcy that casually rolls off a Chopi sister’s tongue as she says goodbye on Sunday. It’s the youth that always sits close to share my Bible with me that I can now joke around with because we carry history. It’s understanding some of the playfulness of the people because they’re comfortable enough with us to let guards down. I don’t deserve such an honor to walk alongside of these beloved people. It’s not easy (as life never is), but it is indeed such an honor and a joy.

Welcome to the Body of Christ in Chopiland.

All are welcome.

Come and hear the Good News.


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