
Twelve years ago I said the best two word sentence of my life; “I do”.

The greatest adventure of our lives started with those wonderful two words.

Matthew, our twelve year anniversary will be spent for most of the day hours apart; me here caring for our little ladies and you finishing up a training weekend and traveling back. And while our anniversary “get-away” will be celebrated surrounded by our community of little people, it sums up our marriage beautifully. We will always find a way to find us in the middle of all the life happening around us. Albeit an extra hug while my hands are in soapy dish water, scooting closer while we’re both answering emails during a rare quiet moment on the couch, putting my water bottle shot-gun in the car because you are reserving my seat even if we’re transporting someone else who could culturally take that place, or endless other little things you do to love me so well. We find a way to be us. Fight to be us. Together.

It has been twelve amazing years, Love. Four wonderful girls. Four semi-crazy dogs. Eight cats. Six guinea pigs. One turtle. Two foster sons. Living in two countries. Visiting four other countries. Countless hours of sleepless nights, newborn snuggles, toddler teething, growing pains, bad dream comforting and middle of the night vomit wake-up calls. Endless tears of heartbreak and utter joy. And I’d do every single second of it over again just to walk alongside of you through it all.


You just laying with me to hold my hand on a day I didn’t feel well.

Love you, Babe. Love you so!

And yes, Love, next year in anniversary years we’ll finally be teenagers.

The world can’t handle our kind of cool. 😉 Haha.



*Happy twelve years, Love.*

Here’s to decades more.

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