Thirteen years, love. Four kids. Six pregnancies. Twenty pets. Eight countries visited. Two countries of residency. Two languages. And a lifetime more of adventure on our horizon.
This season of Stateside has been amazing and challenging to say the least. Life is always a mixed bag. And since we do transitions best with a pet nearby, we decided to throw in some ducks to our mix for a couple of months.
They started out, straight from the post office (you can mail birds!), super tiny and snuggly. And naturally irresistible.
And they just made their way into our everyday lives.
A little pool-side summer reading…Meeting a new friend
We even got to take showers with the ducks. You know, all because childhood should come with MUCH squealing and laughter.
They grew up fast and before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye as they moved to the farm.
They enjoyed one last shower and one last swim in the baby pool.
And then it was time to load up!
Our drive was long and allowed for some leg snuggles.
Goodbye, sweet duckies! Thanks for being so sweet, never biting us, and all the fun memories.
Rachael with she and Abi’s duck, Quack-on-Gin.Abi with she and Rachael’s duck, Quack-on-Gin.Hannah with her duck, Padme Quackmidala.Eden with her heavy duck, Sunny Rey.“Aflac!”
“Do you think they’ll remember us?” Hannah asked quietly from the backseat as we drove away from the farm.
“I don’t think ducks have memories quite like we do but I think they felt safe with us, Hanny. And I don’t think we’ll forget them.” I told her.
“Yeah…” she said with a smile as she looked out the window.