I love how this is their normal.
They know school doesn’t look like this for everyone – some even remembering firsthand what private school looked like in our developing country. (No, private school wasn’t traumatic, but it did give greater depth of gratitude, to the oldest two particularly, to enjoy having the freedom to have a say in some academic foci choices. )
But I really love how they remember and will remember their schooling together.
Listening to the next youngest reader in the household. Patiently investing when they could be done with their own schooling faster and pursue their own interests.
They have seen how others stopped to invest in them. And they are willingly interruptible.
May the invitation always be open to learn from those older and younger than you, ladies. There is much to learn in slowing down to the pace of another beside you.
Afterall, it would be sad to miss the hidden blessing of investing.
What a privilege of a normal, my ladies. Thank you for using it well. ❤️