A Hundred

To celebrate 100 days of school (we’re on the Africa schedule of January through November), we went off to the beach with our fellow classmates.


And since we were finishing off our studies of Africa, we enjoyed ourselves a little Mozambican dance lesson with a national.


We all had a great time. =)

It Slices, It Dices…

Bulk cooking day!!!

Everyone helps. 🙂

It’s sure is messy, but joyfully productive.

And our pweepers get the scraps 🙂

*”pweep” is our imitation of the sound they make when squealing. Hehe.

Bob and Weave

Oh you know, just another Saturday night at the Stauffer household…

Obstacle course.


Flying darts.

Bring on the squealing!!!

[wpvideo PxfZ9mHm ]




Zambian Zeal

The day after that Portuguese “I Do” we ran off to a training in Zambia.

We spent two wonderful weeks learning, growing, praying and praising our Father for His Word and His work. Through studying some great passages and applying it to the Bible as a whole, we talked through, prayed through and strategized further evangelism focus among the Massinga, Maxixe, and Chopi bodies of believers in Mozambique.

(Uncle John and Aunt Wanne we’re there! 🙂 )

The girls all enjoyed a GREAT kids program in which they all got to be together (huge bonus for kids that normally do life together).

The lake conference center was gorgeous and had some really cool neighbors not so common in all parts of the world. 😉

[wpvideo GlEIDT8A ]

(Impalas alert, but they’re really camouflage)

We took a quick hop to Johannesburg, South Africa on the way home for routine doctors appointments and then after nearly three weeks of July had passed, we returned home to Mozambique.

(We ran into our Moz supervisors in Joburg. 🙂 )

Despite some normal air sickness (Sigh) and some flight delays,

we all had a safe and happy travel, returned feeling refreshed and are further focused in how to better support the furthering of the Gospel here in Mozambique.

A Portuguese “I Do”

On the last day of June we got to celebrate the first wedding ceremony in the church here. Matt and I got to be “god-parent” type roles in the wedding, which added in all kinds of cultural lessons.

We’re so proud of this couple and how they, as new Christians, are fighting to honor God in their hearts and their home. Please join us in praying for this couple, J and I.

Chopi Update

Through the grace of God, we saw the first evangelical church launch among the Chopi (show-pea) body of believers. What better way to launch a church of 30+ new believers than to baptize most of them?

Our city church came out to support and launch the first Chopi church service. They’ve been there all along this process, faithfully sending at least one member down to the weekly Chopi Bible studies.

Before baptizing one new believer, he brought his old witch doctoring items handed down from his father and burned them as a powerful testimony of Christ’s newfound freedom in his life.

Then we trekked the 2k’s to the river and rejoiced in 21 baptisms.

[wpvideo BERGMICx ]

(Check out Eden cheesing big time as my happy freeloader. Hehe.)

2k’s back to the church tent and the celebration was on!!! Complete with the new believers’ first Lord’s Supper.

[wpvideo PhHNdBU6 ]

Then came a post-service feast.

Please continue to guard your Chopi brothers and sisters in your prayers as they take off on these first steps of the adventure of Sunday morning church services. And as for their wonderful hearts? They’re already bringing to Matt a desire to press out to the next village with the Good News. We love their urgency, “Now that we know the truth, we have to go and tell them too because they don’t know yet!”

Thursday Bible studies are still going strong (even when we have guests, the girls and I are still heading out 2x a month for the Thursday study times) and now that Sunday services have begun, Matt is no longer doing the study on Mondays. So that puts our Chopi visits at Thursday’s and Sundays instead of the previous Monday and Thursdays. With Matt’s Monday time now open, he is looking to start a new work among other Chopi in another village.

We will keep you posted as God opens more doors, so please do join us in pounding the throne for the salvation of the Chopi people.

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