Beyond Privileged

June came with some exciting stuff. One of which things was a visit from our Wilkins!!!!

You all, I can’t possibly express how much this moved all our hearts. They’re just our people, you guys.

They just fit like family and it was great just doing our normals together again.

Our Wilkins, you make our hearts so happy. Thank you for being you and tolerating us being us. We CAN’T WAIT until it’s our turn to come see you all in South Africa and do your norms together. Until then, you’re continually on our hearts and in our prayers. See ya soon on the flat screen. πŸ™‚ Air hugs and air kisses!!!!

Belated Digital Birthday Message

Ok, so I have some catching up to do here in blogland. First and foremost is one incredible kid that I owe a birthday post.

Our incredible Abi Grace turned 8 back in June and due to all the wonderful chaos of our schedule, I failed to get her up a birthday post.

Abi, my dear Abi.

You are a hoot and I am so grateful to get to be your mom. You are an absolute blast. I love your comic timing, your dry wit and your spunky personality. I love how you are not afraid of quiet and yet you sure love to tell a good story. I love how you run absolutely wild in the backyard and yet can sit so quietly and respectfully when you need to be. You are a great mixture of Merida’s wild freedom and a quiet lakefront watercolored on a blank canvas. Abi, I just love you and your awesome self and I am so thankful to have gotten 8 years by your side. Can’t wait to applaud you more as you grow and mature into new layers of awesome.

May it be filled with more reckless-abandonment hugs, wild wrestling tickle fights, and homemade bows and arrows in the backyard.

Love you so. Happy Birthday!

P. S. Way to improv on birthday candles.

Another Glorious Four

Today our baby turns 4!!!

Eden, you are an absolute delight and we love your sweet little snuggling ways. Your little heart is just blooming as this fun-loving character is emerging.

I love how you have begun to see other people, especially little ones who need a friend, and while you are initially shy, you warm up well in hugging love. Even though you are now a huge four year old, know that Mommy and Daddy will always pick you up when culture feels too uncomfortable and uncertain. Also know that we see how you are flourishing in your quiet, but sweet little heart. Eden, we all love you so and even though your birthday is and will be celebrated in three different countries over the next few weeks due to travel, know that regardless of where we are or will ever go, you are treasured so in our hearts.

Eden, it’s a privilege to be your mommy.

I love you, Happy birthday.

(And yes, I will read you this to you like I read all the other birthday messages to your sisters, even if they can read. πŸ™‚ )

Back to Normal…. or Something Similar

Things slowly slipped into normal again after my parents returned to the States. We had a minute to visit with our teammates in the capital before returning to our quiet city. Our church celebrated children’s day the day after we returning to our city, so the girls enjoyed the celebration of children complete with a kids message, games and much yummy food options. We all came home full, happy and exhausted.

We tried to settle into a semblance of normal the following week. Homeschool was back in full swing and the kids flourished, as usual, frolicking in the backyard between school subjects. The house started to look clean again -ha!- and we celebrated the launching of the first worship service in Chopi-land (that one deserves it’s own blog post, for sure!).

Three weeks, we have had three ‘normal’ weeks in all before the schedule takes off again. We had our moments of getting used to the dynamics of 6 little ladies, instead of our usual four, after coming off of a few weeks separated. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how long or how short we are apart from each other, each kid adjusts back to each other differently. Having said that, I think our crew is getting more used to the ebb and flow of schooling together being interrupted by various trips and trainings between our two households. It’s nice to see the adjustment time shortening as it becomes old hat to be together again.


We are THRILLED to welcome our friends from South Africa to the mix for this last week of June. Simultaneously, Matt and I are taking on “Godparent” type rolls in a wedding (you know, cause we’re addicted to crazy) and preparing for a journey that I will write about later. The wedding business is another cultural learning curve, but we are thankful to get the opportunity to celebrate the example of a Biblical marriage between two dear church members.

So while our “normal season” coming back after the time with my parents has not really felt too calm or normal many times, we’re thankful, once again, for the wonderful crazy goodness of living and serving here in Mozambique.


A May to Remember!

May flew by with a visit from my parents. I’ll share a few pictures with you all from our three weeks together that will certainly not do the adventure justice, but will allow you to peak into our time together.

There was homeschooling together, normal everyday sharing, beach fun, play in South Africa, a safari together and many, many memories made.

It was quite an adventure we had together, Mom and Dad, and we’re so very thankful you both could come join us here in Mozambique.


We love you and look forward to making more memories together on your turf next time. =)

Until then, we’ll continue to share life with you on the screen.

Air hugs! Air kisses!

-love you.

A Little Gem

Little did we know when a late night call for transportation to the hospital would result in such a wonderful blessing to our family. This is our guard’s baby, *”Little Gem” and he adds so much to our church Body. Children are celebrated and valued so in this culture and he sure adds a lot of joy to the Body of Christ here.


And I just have to say, this little guy is absolutely adored by our family.


We’re so thankful that our guard and his dear wife share Little Gem with us. It’s nice to get our turn to love on him as he gets passed around the church Body on Sundays. He’s definitely a highlight of our home visits and Sundays. =)


He’s just so wonderfully smiley. =)

*Name changed for protection of the little guy.

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