Today you turned 6, Eden! I still can’t believe it! I mean we all expect you to just keep on growing, by the grace of God, but at the same time it is so utterly shocking that you are getting SO BIG!
Today we celebrated you with letting you open those presents early this morning that you had been DYING to open for months now. Nope, we didn’t make you wait a second longer than we could drag Daddy from bed (sorry, Matt) because the rest of us were all up.

And then we just let you play, play, play: dolls, house, princesses, magic wands – your morning was filled with much imagination and love. Breakfast wasn’t even on your radar once the gifts were opened and there were games to be played. Even the ducklings took a back seat to all the excitement… temporarily before they were introduced into your game. Ha! (Sorry, ducks- there is too much love for you guys.)

Our day held our online conference, a special birthday message from your kid’s class teacher, and an afternoon of more play fun (and even taking your dolls to the library!).

The birthday dinner of your choice this year was nachos, which left everyone enjoying the fruit of your great pick. Mmm.

“Did you only eat all the black olives off of your nachos?”
Eden’s silent response:

Purple cupcakes, of course, and a side of moose tracks ice cream (ahh, one of the wonders of America, Eden!) and you felt thoroughly celebrated and honored as we went around the table and shared what we love about you.

Oh Eden-girl, you are such a wonderful kid. We all adore you and your genuine little heart. Life is so wonderful and has so much to offer in your joyful world. You utterly delight over the simplicity of being given a piece of candy when others wouldn’t think anything of it. You dance and sing at all possible occasions. And you are so snuggly. The world has all been the same playing field of a learning curve for you. Mozambique has so many layers of culture to learn for the first time and America as well. But you embrace both with open arms and much courage. I admire your willingness to try even when you hold Daddy or my leg for a little more reassurance in a shy moment. I’m thankful that you know our legs will always be there. We are in this together, Beeden! You are quick to say thank you, going out of your way to say it many times and in different ways in an outpouring of gratitude. And I absolutely love that you find just as much joy in homemade gifts as in store bought ones. You wear your heart on your sleeve, loving others deeply and intentionally. And you bust out silly dance moves when you’re happy with zero shame. Haha. Be your awesome “lost five teeth in two weeks” self, kid! I hope you never stop hugging ducks and squealing at how adorable every animal is that walks by. I hope you never stop laughing uncontrollably at absolutely nothing. I hope you never stop giving monster hugs to people you met yesterday, but have proven to be trustworthy in your loving worldview. I hope you never stop singing at the top of your lungs when you don’t know any of the words to the song but have 300% confidence that it doesn’t matter because you’re going to have a great time regardless. Eden, you are an absolute delight of a child and it is an honor to get to be your mommy. Thank you for being my little Eden-Beeden. And Happiest of birthdays, sweet girlie. I cannot wait to see what God continues to have in store for you in year six!