For My Abi
It’s something in that startling reality. It hit me last year too. That here amidst the fuss of VBS, my baby has gotten older. I knew it would come. I’ve watched you stepping out, embracing your independence, and conquering your discoveries.
Two had to come. But there is still something bittersweet about that reality.
I wonder at who you will be with how far your little personality has grown in the last year. Your character blooms with each morning. Your stubborn little likes and vibrant joy. That smile that ignites a room and turns us all to mush. Those blond ringlets. Your sweet little baby-fat cheeks. Your dimple. How you look like a little Daddy – with meat on your bones. Oh, little Abi how you melt Mommy’s heart.
And the way you snuggle in close. And have those moments where only Mommy will do. When you first wake up from nap or sleeping through the night and you just want to sit with me – you come running to find me, many times fussing until you find me, just to sit. Just to breathe together with your head on my shoulder. Your little world is all right again. All is in order. Then after five to ten minutes you slowly slip off, announcing your desire to start your morning or afternoon. You just needed me. And how I love needing you in those moments too.
Abi your little brave heart – diving into the dirt, fully-alive… tasting, experiencing to the full. Your all-in bravery wells up within you until you just can’t contain it. It makes you run at full-force into the playroom, following the lead of your sister’s good idea. It makes you leave Mommy’s side all at once and dive into the paint with two hands. What once was anxiety is now completely acceptable and inviting. My little Abi… so full of life.
And your shy, quiet Abi moments, clinging to Mommy’s leg. A noise that was too much, an animal moving unexpectedly at the Zoo. I can hear it a mile away running down the hallway or across the room, “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!!!” You find your safety and reassurance in my arms again. The trust causing your body to calm. The fear releasing as safety and calm creep in. You make me feel like such a hero sometimes, Abi. I don’t deserve that kind of love and trust.
And even those little spit-fire independence tantrums. Things not going according to plan. Love, the passion in your little soul welling forth. Such promise it holds with a little self-control. I remember my own zeal. Justice is a need – even if right now it’s selfishly driven. Keep that spunk, little one, even when it feels more like rebellion and Mommy has to teach you the hard lessons of self-control and “being stubborn about the right things.” Your heart and passion are such a beautiful thing to watch mature.
So tomorrow as we celebrate you, my dear Abi, even if Mommy has a little tear as the birthday slide show scrolls through your baby and young toddler pictures, please know:
Mommy loves you beyond words. Your beautifuls and your discipling moments. You hold a precious little place in my heart, my Abi…. my precious Abi. And it has truly been a privilege to hold your hand, snuggle you close, and let you go as I watch you grow into a little girl.
Baby… you’ll always be Mommy’s baby… no matter how many other ones come into our family. And I hope and pray and look forward to the day when I will get to call you more than Mommy’s baby, but also my sister in Christ, Lord willing. Oh my Abi, how much the Lord has blessed us and me personally when He added you to our little family. And He is blessing me and challenging me and teaching me and growing me through the joy and the delight of you, my Abi Grace.
– I love you.
WITH Chocolate!
The other night we decided to make some cookies. We had some free time so why not add in some chocolate, right?!
Here’s my THRILLED helpers who highly enjoyed the process. And are still enjoying the eating process. =)
I didn’t grab any pics of the eating part cause *ahem* my hands were preoccupied. But let me tell you what, the 14 minutes of excited waiting was well worth the yummies.
Good times had by all.
Pool Play
This “Spring” has brought some wonderfully hot afternoons in which pool play seemed only to be a natural conclusion. So a few weeks ago on one such hot day we busted out the old pool from last year, borrowed a pump from a friend (thanks, Lydia) because of course we couldn’t find ours on that day, and “filled her up” for post-nap jubilation. Now by “we” I am referring to Matt in this case doing all the hard work because I was working on another project that day of the sewing origin.
So here’s some fun in the sun pool pics I have to share of our frolicking delights.
Symptoms vs. Hope
So I’m often asked how I’m doing in passing. I’m sure you are too.
But I think many people take the opportunity at church to ask how I’m doing due to the large protruding watermelon I appear to have swallowed.
My response on good days or in good moments is just that, “Good. And you?” And my response on harder days is, “Hanging in there.” Or if I’m feeling quite honest or feel like the question was asked with depth, instead of an extension of a greeting, I will answer, “Tired.”
I try not to dwell on the negative about pregnancy. But all the while there is the reality of pregnancy for me that has moved past the “feeling good” second trimester high. While I technically have a week and a half left before I officially move into the third trimester, my body is already there. I think a lot of my premature move into the “the trimester feeling” is due to my quickly-protruding watermelon belly. “They say” with more and more pregnancies the woman’s body begins to show earlier in the pregnancy. I had not anticipated that to mean I would look 7 months pregnant at 5 months in.
That being said, I wanted to be honest about the pregnancy situation over here – not because I won’t be honest if you were to sincerely ask me, but because I try not to dwell too much on the reality of the situation, instead focusing on keeping my eyes on the prize soon coming. But I also think it could help others to admit the reality of the situation, therefore encouraging those who are not in a similar situation and encouraging those who are “right in there with me.”
My dear friend Kassie is in her third trimester. She is 8 weeks out from her due date, despite the fact that we both think Jayla will be a late baby (due to her track record). I sincerely hope we are not having similar symptoms, but I must say at this point in the pregnancy I am having symptoms similar to the last few weeks of my pregnancy with Rachael and the last few months of my pregnancy with Abi.
Here’s how it’s going over here. Here’s what you’d see if you lived here:
I haven’t gotten a 6 hour stretch of sleep in over a month (excluding 3 spread out days when I literally just fell into bed). I wake up at night every 1.5-2 hours to pee, relieve the tension of cramping legs, reposition my pillows and drink water. If I don’t wake up on this schedule, my tongue will stick to the roof of my mouth (only it usually is if I have a slept a full 2 hours) and my throat will be sore from the scratchiness the next day, resulting in “smoker cough” sounding vocal chords. I sleep with a pillow between my legs to lessen the round ligament pain and my feet propped up on an old comforter at “above my heart” level to lessen the affects of the varicose veins that are decorating my right leg in particular. Whenever I get out of bed I always feel a burn as the normal blood flow returns to my varicose veins. If I don’t sleep with my legs propped up, I feel that burn all day long. I have congestion as if I were sick 24/7. Afrin helps. Sometimes I have to pair Afrin nasal spray and Sudafed every 4-6 hours to make it through the night. I have Charlie Horses… nightly. So to try to avoid them I eat a banana to two bananas (on really tight legged nights) nightly. Sometimes it works. Other times I eat a second or third banana in the middle of the night. I’ve taken a second prenatal on nights that our bananas are not ripe enough. I will confess right here and now that I HATE bananas. I think they taste like mucus. But I despise Charlie Horses all the more. If I add more water to my nightly intake, I’ll be up sooner than 1.5 hours. I need my nightly naps, solid sleep is no longer a part of my life. I take 2 extra strength Tylenol a night to try to help with the burning/aching varicose veins and leg throbbing. I’ve often been told that getting more sleep or going to bed earlier could help. I’ve tried it, but my body just can’t lay in one position for long before the leg cramps, aches and varicose veins make me get up (every 2 hours at max).
Last night I went to bed at 10p, got up at midnight to pee. Woke up at 1:30a with throbbing legs, right groin pain where my varicose veins were bulging and throbbing. I napped on the recliner part of the couch with two ice packs, one on my varicose veins on my right thigh and the other I rested both my calves on. I think I got one of the most solid two hour stretches of sleep I’ve gotten in a long time. I even found an app on my iPad that simulates the noise of a fan (all of ours were being tied up for white-noise factors during sleeping). I slept hard and good. And woke up at 5:30a feeling “ready for the day.” I cannot get more than 8 hours of sleep (in cat-nap chunks) without paying the repercussions of pain the next day.
So needless to say, when bedtime rolls around each night I am a bit reluctant to go. Sleep feels like more work than staying up and more pain or pain potential too.
But in this entire picture, I want to tell you that while the reality of the situation is pretty ugly at times (and I’m not even into my normal symptoms of pinched nerves in my legs shooting spasms up my leg into my glutes and the random pinches of moving from a sitting/laying to a standing position, though a few have started) Matt and I chose this. We wanted this. And I still do want this. No, I don’t want all the symptoms – those I could do without. But I want our Hannah Joy.
Joy can be described as choosing to focus on the promise over the situation. I think her middle name is fitting and I think there will be many times in her life that I will be reminded that her middle name is fitting.
It is a choice. It is a mindset. And it changes how you live.
Pregnancy has never been ideal for me. That’s just the truth of it. Sacrifice is high for me in this equation. But I find joy in looking into Rachael and Abi’s eyes, watching them play, remembering their babyhood, even the less beautiful parts. And I allow myself to focus on the joy of the promise in our Hannah Joy.
Is it a distraction technique? Maybe. But dwelling on the roughness of the situation never made it feel more comfortable. And a bitter heart is hard to change. I don’t want to associate these symptoms with “what Hannah is doing to me.” Certainly Hannah’s presence is causing my body to freak out. But anyone’s growing presence would cause my body to freak out. So instead of tying that negativity to her, I choose to brush off pregnancy (as best I can in moments) and focus instead on the hope of the promise: the tiny fingers, the little alien toes, the grunts, the little rash movements. I wonder about her eyes, her hair, her face. Will she have the Stauffer nose? Will she follow suit and look “just like” Rachael and Abi in her newborn days or will she carry characteristics of her own? What will be her snuggle spot? Who will she take to?
The list of wonders and excitements in longer than the pregnancy symptom list. And that’s the way it should be.
I’m going to avoid the game of creating an image to go with Hannah, so as not to be let down when I meet her. No expectations need to be tied to her yet.
I just look forward to delighting in her. Our newest miracle. Life.
And in the harder moments of pregnancy symptoms I am trying hard to focus on the life that comes from all this hurt and pain.
That life…
our Hannah Joy.
Mobile Project
I had an idea. While thinking through things that I’d like to get before Hannah comes, I thought about a crib mobile.
After looking around online I wasn’t impressed with the prices. THIRTY DOLLARS? Who pays THIRTY DOLLARS for a mobile?!
So I decided to do something better: make one.
So I gathered an arrangement of ideas in a pile:
And out popped the idea of making butterflies.
So I got to work and made this.
Each butterfly is made of an old clothes pin, painted in leftover pastels from the nursery paints. I used half a black pipe cleaner from our homeschool supplies for each antenna. After cutting out a simple pattern for the wings from an index card, I used some fabric scraps to sew the wings and pinch them into the paperclip. Superglue to keep the antennas on and reinforce the string’s knot. Voila!
I mixed and matched the colors for cute combos.
Then I grabbed two “charactered” sticks from the backyard, sanded them down (something about not wanting bark particles falling in the baby’s face) and washed them (don’t want dirt falling in the baby’s face either), and used some nearby twine-string to adjust out the balance and hang the butterflies. A lighter to cauterize the string’s edges and superglue for reinforcing the knots and attachments to the stick and I’d say this project costing me a total of $0 turned out well. =)
Rachael and Abi each blessed it with a little swing and we enjoyed watching it bobble about.
I hung it on the shelf’s hook coming out from under the shelf hung above Hannah’s crib.
Hope she likes it as much as I do. =)
Plus, it looks great with our pastel nursery with the flower, bee and butterfly chair boarder around the room.
Win, win!