Because We Could

Beautiful weather lately has brought us outdoors before the “second” snow fell (a dusting). So don’t mind me as I soak in these pictures of outdoor life lately while I check the weather channel for future cold and snow news.

 Taking our babies for a walk.
This leader had no problem running the pack 
– I had to ask her to stop a few times to keep up with her.
 She may think she’s huge, but she is still our little one. 
 And this one? Well let’s put it this way… 
we did some waiting. Little legs can only go so fast.
 Then came shoeless in the sandbox!
 No ‘eww, dirt’s here.
 Dump and fill, dump and fill.

 So delightful to experience it all together.

That’s all I caught in pictures from our few days outside. I try to participate more than document because the participation will leave the lasting memories for these two small ones. But I did get a moment to snap a few pictures. Other days we “rode bikes” in the driveway, went on nature walks, did some sidewalk chalk, and then kicked a big ball in the yard.

(sigh) Alright.. on to dust the snow off the bikes and return them to the playhouse that I’m using as a small shed for the winter.

Enjoy the cool weather, everyone. Stay warm!

A Morning to Remember

Today was a wonderful morning filled with slow children’s museum moments – really it is possible. Not those moments of stress, wondering how long before your toddler loses it. But one of those mornings of taking things at a preschool pace, stopping and smelling all the flowers along the way. Don’t you love those kind of mornings? No agenda or schedule pressings. Just life. One. Step. At. A. Time.

Due to going to the Children’s Museum with Ellen and “the cousins”, Rachael had a play group, Abi had someone to carefully study, and I had a reliable source of eyes to leave Rachael with when 19 months was done waiting.

This is the only picture I captured while the crew 
(5 total, age 4yr down to 19months – Abi’s the youngest) 
checked out some meerkats in the animal exhibit.

Abi was in such a sweet mood this morning. Her mellow little nature of exploring and satisfaction with taking things slow were so sweet to watch. She was a little shy in some moments, finding reassurance in Mommy’s leg-holding. But that little one listened so well today and was so easy going. Such a breath of fresh air was she.

Rachael was her normal curious self, finding delight in trying to figure out how things worked and what happened if you tried this… or that. And Ms. Social Butterfly spent a good portion of the morning repeating others’ phrases. I think Bekah (Ellen’s oldest) enjoys having her own echo sometimes. =) And Rachael seemed to enjoy being the echo as well. It reminded me of how we must first learn to follow before we learn how to lead. And some good, clean preschool copy-cat is always amusing to watch. When Rachael is on her own her imagination has taken flight involving story lines in her play. Oh what a wonderful age of enjoyment of stories, characters, and role playing. On the way to the museum Rachael “found” a baby chick and carefully cared for her baby chick, whom she cupped and sheltered in her hands, while in the car. She was sure to reassure the “scared thing” and nurture that little imaginary friend.

Rachael and her “chick”.

Daddy had a meeting with Grandpa today at the house from 11a-1p. Since I was not sure of whether they would eat lunch at our house or not and if the distraction would be welcome, I thought it a great day to have a special lunch date with the girls.

I’m not one to promote the Golden Arches restaurant. But there are occasions in which we choose to partake in the grease. When you don’t eat out too frequently it surely is a joyful event in the life of little kids. We had such fellowship and joy over chicken nuggets, french fries, apple slices and chocolate milk. Oh and then sharing an ice cream brought such over-the-top dancing joys.

It was one of those “mark that down” pleasant mornings with no hiccups. I love those “every day” memories that turn into such great joys in the world of three years and nineteen months. We can be a busy crew indeed, but the overwhelming excitements of “typical” things and discoveries, even if I can’t catch them on film because we’re still very Mommy-dependent, sure leave pictures upon pictures that I hope I never forget.

– so thankful.

Goodmorning World

I woke up early this morning and thought how I should use my time productively. Don’t you like how quiet it is in the world before the day really begins? Maybe only you morning people know what I’m talking about. You sleep-in people are just laughing. 😉

I could feel the crisp air outside, unseasonably warm, yet still cool. I didn’t even have to be out there thanks to large sliding glass doors. A train or two announcing their presence in the distance. Yes, the sweet sounds of morning.

The agenda today is one of delighting in fellowship. I look forward to spending some time with “the cousins” at a local children’s museum. We usually have homeschooling today, but thus is the joy of homeschooling that we bumped it to yesterday to accommodate a little over-due visiting.

As a gracious part of Matt’s parent’s Christmas gift to our family, they gave us season passes to a local children’s museum and then expanded the pass to include a whole host of nearby museums and attractions (like zoos) around the United States. Such a thoughtful and blessing-filled bunch they are, those Grandparents. “The Cousins” have a similar pass and thus play dates in the quiet mid-morning hours of the weekdays have spurred and continue to spur from such delights.

Last night I wasted a few hours on the couch beside Mr. Right, soaking in American Idol (really the auditions are the best part of that show) and “The Finder”. It’s not something I pride myself on doing, sitting and watching TV for two hours, but sometimes the cleaning and homeschooling prep is done and it’s nice to do something together. Hopefully we’ll get back to our Lego video games soon. =) It’s fun to whack someone to pieces (literally) in laughing play. I love how we can be “kids” together.

Read some encouraging reports on an old friend’s adoption blog. Ironically enough, I watched her children when they were younger than mine are currently. That’s one crazy thought that ages me. I’m excited to track their unification story as they bring home their newest family members from Haiti – a sibling group of three, adding to their bio three. Such a wonderful time of celebration and love.

Got report that my dear friend, Theresa, has malaria. Thank the Good Lord for medicine that makes Malaria common-cold oriented to dear African missionaries. God is such a good God to give those willing to serve “the least of these” a safety net too. Praying rest and healing over Theresa.

This weekend holds another Upward basketball game – this time scrimmaging my Matt. Hehehe. Let the competition begin. Kidding – that’s nothing like Upward. But we can sure pass silly glances back and forth during the game of “you’re going down.” My sweet little team is so pumped up to hear their names called and enjoy their moments of glory. Hoping my girls will be cooperative and kind to Mama amid their involuntary personal cheer leading recruitment. They’ve done decently at cracker and coloring book distractions amid my “coaching techniques”. (“Get on out there and play kids…. good luck, have fun!”)  I’m proud of my “try to sit still” toddler and “I just want to be a part of it all” preschooler. They have had many examples of patience and grace from the “player’s bench.”

Hope you’re able to get out and enjoy this unseasonably warm weather we’ve been having. The neighborhood has been thoroughly graced with our “let’s take a walk” presence lately – let alone the park. Though I must say that as she is beginning to come into her own personality, Ms. Rachael, has voiced her “inside over outside” opinions over the past few days. It doesn’t change her UV ray needs, but alas, her bookworm character is almost fully emerged. I can foresee many book picnics in seasons to come for my pasty-white brunette. Oh, but Blondy? She’s too busy exploring all the new things she can do “all by herself” to slow down for any foolish indoor play.

We “rode” our bikes over at the church gym yesterday. My preference was outside. Rachael’s preference was inside watching a movie. So we compromised and we got indoor gym play. The bikes are only as fun as pedaling frustrations. But the bleachers? Oh they are a whole new level of joy. For 20 minutes there was bleacher play: walking the bleachers, crawling through the bleachers, crawling under legs on the bleachers. Repetition, repetition, repetition. And the joy thereof. Activity comes in all forms – I’m just thrilled for activity.

And speaking of activity, I better get my devotion time in because activity will be waking in an hour.

Thanks for sharing in this journey with me.

How have you been journeying lately?

Family-Friendly Quiche

Everyone liked the quiche!!!! (Rachael was a little picky about the onions cause she bit into a big piece of one – my crying eyes could only take so much dicing.)

So from my skill-less kitchen to your skill-filled kitchen I give you the recipe.

Tuna Quiche

1/2 c mayo
2 tbsp flour
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 c milk
1 (7oz) can tuna, drained
8oz (or a little less) cheese (shredded swiss = nice and melty)
1/3 c onion, diced (optional) – red onion = good, but not so hide-from-kid friendly
1 (9inch) unbaked pie shell

-preheat oven 350*
– mix first 4 ingredients
– stir in tuna, cheese and onion
– put pie shell in greased (for easy removal) pie pan
– pour mixture into pie shell and smooth down
– bake 40-45 min or until done

*** Those of you who know me, know that cooking is in no way a forte, but this one was easy and tasty!

The Kitchen Table

And just like that I look up and see two little girls at the table.

Be still my soul… when did that happen?

Ah yes and did you see those beautiful flowers on the table? That dear friend Jenney of mine brought them to my fine-dining Wendy’s luncheon experience in honor of my birthday. And I must say, those beautiful things have just made my days since. It’s amazing how color and life bring cheer amid the cold. Such a thoughtful friend, she is. And yes, people, they are pink, but a sweet delicate light pink that catches the corner of my lips and brings out a little smile. Thanks again for the joy, Jenney friend.

Back Again

Well I’m back, with the darkage of computerlessness still ongoing, but finding refuge in “stealing” hubby’s work computer in the mornings and evenings. Christmas was wonderful, I’ll drop in a post specific to it’s wonders in a while. And New Years was…. well, normal for our little family of small children. We certainly weren’t staying up since our bunch would be up at regular time. And we figured our morning gales coming over the monitor would sound more like crows cutting into our beauty rest should we have chosen to stay up til the wee hours of the morning. So we grannied it. =)

I am quite happy to have visited with my dear friend, Theresa, as in “THE Will and Theresa” my missionary friends over in Jos, Nigeria. They visited back for “the holidays” and I got to steal me some time of “tell me about your world.” I’m sure they only had to explain their little world once or twice during their visit back to the States (wink, wink). It was so nice to talk about Jos as if it was in my backyard and also drill her about Jos life (sorry Theresa, hehe) without having to wait for an emailed reply.

Rachael’s 3rd birthday was January 5, which felt like an extension of the holiday called Christmas-New-Years. Funny how those seem to come back to back, as if the week between them just vanishes. I’ll post about Rachael’s birthday in another post. Afterall, the firstborn deserves her own post. 😉

But nonetheless, we are just started to get back to normal things here (minus Abi’s recent oogies). I have washed all the dolls, stuffed toys, doll accessories, and dress-up clothes in attempt to clear off some of the “to do” list before homeschool starts back up again. I also got Rachael’s bedding done and my pillow case and blanket. Now all I have to wash are Matt’s blankets/pillow case, our sheets, and Abi’s jumble of blanket heaven. I feel all accomplished because I tackled the pileS of baby/toddler clothes that needed organized into their appropriate storage bins and got the house nicely organized, putting up all the old baby toys and cleaning out the playroom over the “holiday season” as well.

So, alas, here we are at the tale end of cleaning frenzy and almost ready to swing back into homeschool mania! (By the way, I just LOVE the flexibility of homeschool!!!) WOOT!

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