"There she goes…

there she goes again…”

Friday night Rachael decided to sleep for eight hours. I woke up after 7 hours because my body hasn’t slept for seven hours straight in about 8 or 9 months now so it’s forgotten how to get good sleep in one chunk. I wondered if Rachael’s night was a fluke.

Last night, even with the time change, Rachael slept for 8 hours. Too bad I woke up a few times last night and when the alarm went off it felt like my body had been through a blender. So two extra strength Tylenol later and there is much rejoicing in this household.

It’s funny, but in Rachael’s sleeping patterns she seems to dabble in the next highest amount a bit before settling for a little. She briefly started at 3 hours at a time at night, bounced into 4 hours and then chose to stick with it, then she jumped to 6 for a couple of sporadic nights, then settled on five for a while, then hit 7 twice,and settled on 6 for a while, and now she’s hit 8. So even if she goes with her trend of sticking with 7, that’s completely doable. (And right in time for Mommy returning to work.)

Now if only we could teach my body not to hate me…

I had another realization last night as the baby smiled a huge animated smile at me, that baby’s ours. Blew my mind again.

Thanks be to God!

Back in the swing of things…

oh right, back in the swing of things plus a baby.

So these last “two” (one and a half) weeks before I return to work I am attempting to get back in the swing of things. I’m attempting to solidify Rachael’s nap schedule and create a more structured nighttime routine to aid in Rachael’s unwinding from the day. I’ve also taken the opportunity and doctor’s clearance to jump back into the running game. I can’t tell you how nice it is to feel that familiar burn of an hour well spent. I really love the time I get out there to just listen to spurring on songs and be with my Maker as I work at the goal of conquering the flesh. On the topic of flesh conquering, I’m also making so changes to the publicity of my quiet time lifestyle. I really have been slacking off and God deserves so much more than what I was giving. So I came up with a new idea of posting my quiet times so Matt can easily hold me accountable at random. Not only do I want to establish a greater pattern, but I also want to remember what I read. So I’m hoping these minimal efforts will kick myself into a place that I never should have left. I want to be a threat in this game called warfare. I’ve also put up a chart for Rachael because I want to be more intentional about making disciples… starting with the one we have been given. So we’re replacing the nighttime story which help Rachael get comfortable to the sound of my voice to a Bible reading. Hopefully the repetition of my morning quiet time will also aid in sticking the text in my head more. We’ll see what happens. What do you do to help keep your quiet times in routine? Who keeps you accountable and how?

Just trying to be more intentional about being where I want to be, when I want to be.

Rock a Baby

She has found my weakness. Mama can’t put down a sick baby.
That’s right. Mama will rock a sick baby until she falls asleep – even at 4 in the morning.
Because that sick baby has a hard time falling asleep when it hurts her to suck on her pacifier due to thrush. Poor thing. The sure-all sleep inducer paci is no match for painful mouth sores.
God love the poor thing. To the doctor we go – a little later today of course.
‘night all.

Eleven to Five : Fifteen

That’s right, we got a “full night’s sleep” (according to pediatricians last night. Way to go Rachael! She was out cold with no grumblings that couldn’t be curbed by self-soothing. And then to top it off she slept her usual 3 hours after a 5:15a feeding to allow a whoppin‘ 8.5 hours of rejuvenation for her Daddy and Mommy. Oh yes, world, we’ve got a good one and we’re not trading!

And I also pumped a whoppin’ 5.5 ounces of liquid gold last night. That’s right, friends, I filled that little bottle and have six feedings stored in the fridge. Guess it’s time to start asking Lydia how exactly I should freeze this stuff.

Awake times have increased, including morning and evening awake patterns for approximately an hour. Yay Rachael! And it’s fun to watch her explore her world – studying faces and things.

Anyway, that’s how things are going here. Just simple
and finding a good routine.

Alrighty, off to a little cleaning and breakfast for myself.

Looking forward to Jackie visiting for a while today and Aunt Yvonne visiting and Matt’s day off tomorrow. Oh and then there’s the Melting Pot outing with Ron and Ellen. (We will never eat so lavishly and expensively again!)

The church has also so graciously signed up to start bringing dinners by for Matt and I. Thanks again, Lydia (if you actually read this) for setting it all up with such joy and ease.

All Home

Thank you, Lord, for bring us all home safely. Thank you for helping Rachael to make progress toward passing her jaundice. Lord, I pray that our efforts to get things cleared through her body will bring back reward at her visit today. Lord, I thank you for educated and dedicated medical staff who helped bring Rachael into this world. Lord, I thank you for your provision during the pushing stage of labor. Lord, I thank you for the amazing family and friends who so graciously offered their words of love and support. Lord, I thank you for the friends and family who eagerly looked past my exhaustion and said such kind words of encouragement and joy at the hospital bed. Lord, I thank you for the miracle of life and the reminder that you are in control.

And Lord I thank you for bringing Matt, Rachael and I home – how desperately we wanted to be at home- and I thank you that you made it all work out that both Rachael and I were released despite some medical concern for the both of us I (my blood levels and Rachael’s jaundice count0. And Lord I thank you that you are healing us both with rest and recuperation. Thank you, Lord, for Dakota doing well with the adjustment and shift of attention.

Thank you, Lord, for Matt’s love and compassion. I see You shining in him as he cradles Rachael and has such great patience with her learning. Lord, I thank you so much for Mom’s willingness to come take care of me and support Matt and i as we learn to best take care of Rachael. Thank you, Lord, also for Daddy’s humor and love that he has lavished on Matt and I through random house projects and delighting in Your work. And Lord, the list of thank you’s could go on and on regarding the endless love and support and encouragement that our family has already received and will receive. Thank you, Lord for Matt and Rachael who sleep so soundly across the hall. Thank you, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Thank You.

In Jesus’ name.


-first night home-


Everyone looks for that perfect job. You know, the one that allows you to keep putting that scoop or two of food in the dog bowl and have enough time to complete the dishes once you get home. That one job that fits your family needs. That one job where the work environment is just tolerable enough that keeping your mouth shut and laying low works well. Looking for that one job where experience overcomes new bosses and opinions are weighed heavily no matter the extent of your degree. And we all keep looking… and hoping… until we find something that’ll “work for now until something else comes up.”

This week has been a bit hard on me. I started the week missing Matt. Our puppy got sick and that mom-instinct in me kicked in. I didn’t want to be at work and think of that sick puppy at home just waiting for her vet trip. You should have seen that big dog with her tail between her legs shaking in her cage when I got up Tuesday morning. Poor thing. And those two events combined have kind of hit me harder than I thought they would. See, I’ve missed Matt before. There have been days that I just flat out don’t want to go to work because I want to see my husband. I think, “Everyone else got to see him, but he’s mine and I want to get my share.” Monday night date nights help.

Transition is occurring at work and it’s leaving me a bit high and dry. I’ve been putting in the work for 2 jobs and I don’t see an end to this phenomenon. I’m trying to remain hopeful. Baby’s taken a growth spurt and begun to stick out more and more with each passing morning. Work people are noticing and commenting regularly. But the kids at work remain in the same intensity level, requiring running down the hallway, dragging screaming 5 and 6 year olds, and absorbing some blows here and there.

Things have changed a bit since I was first told I was taking full responsibility of the older class. I have grown a bit (as mentioned before) and this week it has become much more evident to me that I am no longer risking just my neck. See, I can take a blow from a 6 year old. I’ve taken them before and I’ll take them again before this life is over. But I can only do so much to defend this baby. Our baby. My baby.

I mentioned my concern in staff meeting yesterday regarding some highly aggressive kids and my continued growing state. Administration offered a temporary fix for which I was grateful that anything at all had been done. But the topic was concluded with the strong statement that this was merely a temporary fix until this transition was smoothed over. Only problem is that these kids aren’t leaving any time soon… and I’m not going on leave until January. So it makes me a bit more concerned about this baby’s safety, especially since this baby’s mine. If I don’t look out for it while I’m carrying it (and thereafter) no one else will. Matt can only do so much to keep our baby safe when it’s in my belly.

I don’t know… this week’s just been a little hard in that my priorities are very much elsewhere. And the balance of work and my family’s welfare seems to be a little tainted this week.


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