Goodmorning Hannah

Goodmorning cricketed darkness,

Today my youngest daughter will be joining this side of the womb. in anticipation she shared some strong contractions with me last night, which were happily masked a bit by tylennol and a hearty snack. Despite the normal series of naps termed sleep for the past few months, today is a day filled with excitement and adrenalin that’s already staking it’s claim in my alert eyes and smile. Today’s the day, sweet Hannah. Today’s the day! We’ve waited for a long time for you. We’d hoped for a long time for you. And so many things about today still feels so surreal.

We made it! We made it to 39 weeks, putting the most meat on your bones and giving you the best chance without utterly torturing your Mommy.

We made it to our induction date so Dr. K can claim the rights to having delivered all three of my girls.

We made it through first trimester nausea, pinched nerves, lower back pain, sickness, being breached, hip blows, and so many more things that seem to now be on the back burner of “over”.

We made it through wonderful family moments watching “the blob” rearrange Mommy’s stomach.

We made it through sisterly love resulting in elbow pokes and your next closes sister in line sitting directly on your bump for months while Mommy carried her.

We made it!

And now all that’s left is your final debut. The revealing of God’s miracle that He has been stitching together in you.

Hannah Joy, you are beyond loved, prayed for and hoped for. Today we get to meet your wonderful character and begin to study your personality. Today!

Anticipated baby girl, we love you so and while the world will be blurry, cold and frustrating in many new demands and sensations, we look forward to you learning to feel our love not in the pats, kisses and words from the outside of your protection layer, but through the snuggles, rockings, and songs we sing over you as we embrace you as our own.

For whenever you choose to come today, for whatever happens in your delivery,

I just want to say:

Happy birthday, Hannah Joy!
Precious little girl, happy birthday indeed!

The Last of Us

Well, I guess it’s not really the last of us, but it was the last vacation of “just the four of us.”

We headed an hour away to a hotel,

[All children must ride on hotel luggage racks before they grow up.] 

enjoyed the pool,

 “We’re going to the pool!!! YAY!!!”
 My skinny muscle man and lovin’-the-pool Abi.

 She would not stop laughing. =)
[I put the camera down and piggy-backed the children with Matt for a half hour of glamorously freezing swimming. But the kids loved every second of it.]

and stayed up late watching football together on the big king-sized bed while eating popcorn and special snacks the girls picked from a nearby gas station. We laughed, the girls did some bed jumping, and then they fell asleep around 9:30p on the pull-out sofa bed.

 Abi’s zonked.
[P.S. Dry pool noodles make EXCELLENT temporary bed rails when placed tightly under the bottom sheet. No one had any problems falling out and my kids can be violent sleepers.]

The next morning we decided to go to COSI, an awesome children’s science museum. We got in free with our local children’s museum passes gifted to us this past Christmas from the grandparents.

The girls ran amuck, enjoying all they could soak in and we even enjoyed some lunch down in the cafeteria.

 Kitchen play with Daddy.
 Mmmm, serve up the plastic goodness.
 Off and on goes the X-ray viewer. =D

 Poor baby.
 Tragic. 😉
 Excellent nursing.

 1800’s town.

 And now the same town in the 1960’s.
 Working at the local diner. 
 Riding a rocket on the “street”.

 Hula-hoops in front of the “old” post office.

We loaded up a little after 1:30p and found ourselves back at home by 3pm.

It was a wonderful last get-away of just the four of us before we all welcome Ms. Hannah Joy to the family soon.

Oh the delights of two small girls soaking in the utter excitement of what so many pass by as commonplace.

We all had a wonderful time!

Rachael’s Tea Party

Don’t let the silence on the blog two weeks ago fool you. It’s not silent over here. 😉

While Daddy was gone on the youth mission trip two weeks ago, Rachael hosted her first Tea Party. =)

She started out writing the invitations (obviously with some help):

Then came the welcome sign for the door:

Then she made the place cards:

With the help of Aunt Jes, we made the Tea Party treats and some teacup decorations. The menu was lemonade poured from the teapot, heart-shaped PBJ or Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches, applesauce, trail mix (PB/chocolate chips, pretzels, animal crackers, and raisins), and of course cookies (meringues, homemade chocolate chip, and sugar cookies with the puffed frosting from the store – mmmmmm, yes). 

Aunt Jes also helped in setting the table, even loaning us some of her extra teacups and her tea set.

Here’s Rachael’s tea party:

Each place setting had a piece of jewelry that all the guests could wear and a special cup:

 Yes, that’s a plastic ring for my two year old. 😉

 I didn’t have a tea cup at first. 

 Rachael’s Sunday School teacher who was unable to make it (hence Mommy stole her cup. hehe). 
[Actually this cup was given to my by my great grandmother.]

 Danielle’s Mom (to Rachael) and a dear friend (to me).
[She likes coffee.]
 Rachael’s Sunday School playmate and, for the longest, the only child in her age bracket/nursery at the church. 

 Aunt Jes brought a special teapot/spoon necklace for our little hostess.

 A new friend in Rachael’s Sunday School class whom we have welcomed with open arms. 

 Ava’s Mom, who’s in my Sunday School class and a new wonderful friend. 
 Here Vicki pours the lemonade form the teapot as Danielle (top), Rachael (middle) and Ava (bottom) enjoy their tea party treats. All the girls wore frilly, beautiful dresses to the party (most raided from their drees-up bins at home). 

Little Abi sports the “cover all” bib since her gorgeous frilly dress was a light/stainable pink.

The little girls had a blast and so did the Moms. And each party guest got to bring home a teacup picture to color and remind them of the fun at Rachael’s Tea Party. 

Rachael was quite the little hostess, tending to her guests and explaining where everyone would sit. Hehe. And Abi was thrilled to run after Rachael, Danielle, and Ava, as they squealed and played before/after our tea. It was a wonderful, frilly, girlie time indeed that ended with two little girls knocked out cold for an extended nap. 

– Successful indeed. 😉

Just Today

Well, I haven’t spoken much about Hannah’s pregnancy on here. It’s not because it hasn’t been exciting or because I haven’t enjoyed it. It is because I am now to the “rough it out” end.

Now thus far Hannah’s pregnancy end has not been as physically taxing as Abi’s last few weeks of pregnancy. Abi’s pregnancy came with pinched nerves, which I can say hands down were FAR more painfully consistent than anything I’m feeling today with Hannah.

I think the greatest challenge in Hannah’s pregnancy has been happening for a long time now. It’s the constant “You’re not going to make it to your due date,” comments from, honestly, the second trimester to now. I think people sincerely mean well in wanting to share in the pregnancy by adding in their opinion. It’s just hard to hear that repeated message over and over, have early labor symptoms arise (been doing these for 3 weeks) and have no progress.

It’s that kind of combination that puts a damper on the joy of getting out and washing all of Hannah’s newborn clothes. It puts a little tinge on packing a hospital bag for us both as well. See, it doesn’t make it feel like she’ll wait until her September 5th induction date when I am experiencing daily and hourly mild laboring symptoms. And while these symptoms could amp up at any time, in any place, unexpectedly, they could also just not. And it could just be like this for the next 3 weeks. It’s like showing a kid a picture of an ice cream Sunday and then saying, “I’ll give it to you later.” “But when?” “Later.”

Today I’m 36 weeks pregnant. One more week to go until she’s full-term.

Part of me is thrilled that she has not come with the first signs of pre-labor threats. And part of me wishes I could just hold her and have my body back.

I think about the sleepless nights and wish they were that way because I was caring for Hannah, not just trying to get out of bed because my lower back can’t take it anymore and I need to pee.

You know, I’ve been told so much “it’s all in God’s timing” usually from those well-rested, comfortable people who have lost touch with the hurts, annoyances, and anxieties of the last few weeks. I’m not trying to be a bitter person who finds nothing but complaints. I’m not trying to downplay the miracle growing within me. I’m just being honest and trying not to only “put on a happy face” when someone asks how things are going. There is a reality of the situation, not to downplay the miracle, but to come along with the entrance of the miracle. A waiting. And I’m not always patient. – As you can tell.

We have a Dr. appointment on Thursday morning. I’m hoping to learn of some progress from the 25-30+ Braxton contractions I’m now having daily. I’m also hoping to hear of even just the tiniest progress from the amped up lower abdomen pressure and pinches and pains added to the mix this week.

And if I hear of no progress, I’m going to learn further the lesson of waiting amidst the hurts for the promise to come.

That promise is so close I can almost taste it.

So close.

So close…

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