Some moments the competition can be strong. You have no idea how alike you really are and that can make for some clashes.
But you can’t stay annoyed long because you need each other. You have this bond creating games out of thin air together. Laughing in hysterics over movie quotes repeated for the 19th time in a row but still absolutely hilarious to you both. You have jokes only you two get. Story lines that entertain you talking for hours on end about fantasy castles, imaginary animals and lists of future pets. You have such similar interests, similar play needs and similar attention spans.
You both have zero barriers or hesitancy to play with anyone: young or old, regardless of whether they speak your language or ever will. You both don’t see barriers, just opportunities. And yet you always play together with a new friend. Always inviting each other to go meet the new friend. You are a pair that comes together naturally.
And how I love to watch you both play. You can always create a game anywhere.
Sisterhood is truly a gift from the Lord and I’m so blessed to see how He has given you to each other.
And how you have received His gift with joyfully open arms.
I absolutely love getting a front-row seat encouraging your love.
Sometimes you annoy each other. You sure know how to push each others buttons like no one else can.
Sometimes you just want some alone time. Time to learn and discover who you are as independent people.
But it’s a treasure to see how you always come back together after your short stints of “human nature”. 😉 You always seek each other out to share your thought, hearts and dreams together. You constantly choose depth and togetherness over the easier options of selfishness and competition.
I love that you both don’t remember a time without each other.
Sisterhood is truly a gift from the Lord
and you both choose to wear it so well.
I absolutely love getting a front-row seat encouraging your love.
(Helping Eden with her reading comprehension summary)(Then Eden copying her summary work into her journal.)
They know school doesn’t look like this for everyone – some even remembering firsthand what private school looked like in our developing country. (No, private school wasn’t traumatic, but it did give greater depth of gratitude, to the oldest two particularly, to enjoy having the freedom to have a say in some academic foci choices. )
But I really love how they remember and will remember their schooling together.
Listening to the next youngest reader in the household. Patiently investing when they could be done with their own schooling faster and pursue their own interests.
They have seen how others stopped to invest in them. And they are willingly interruptible.
(She tracked down Eden to share a funny part of her reading DVD with her – and naturally furries were added to the experience.)(Waiting patiently for her help with a puzzle when it’s easier to do it yourself.)(Sanding and refinishing the table together.)(Finishing painting the shelves when Eden grew tired of her turn.)(Inviting Hannah to come explore the anatomy model with her at a little science museum while on vacation in South Africa.)(Working together to make worm composting bins.)
May the invitation always be open to learn from those older and younger than you, ladies. There is much to learn in slowing down to the pace of another beside you.
Afterall, it would be sad to miss the hidden blessing of investing.
What a privilege of a normal, my ladies. Thank you for using it well. ❤️
As Matt and I plan to visit back to the States we have taken the opportunity to reflect on the past term of living in Mozambique. Some beautiful stories have arisen amid long car rides as we have seen God’s hand at work. Sure the challenge still remains and we’ve had our fair share of reflecting on overcoming and living in those challenge tensions too.
In the spirit of preparing our hearts, we’ve also taken on the healthy task of decluttering again. After having given away 70% of everything we owned before moving to Mozambique and having lived a year in Quelimane “virtually out of suitcases”, we have grown and continue to grow in living simply.
As we were giving away some things to a precious friend, she graciously and thoughtfully made her selections from the things on our table. I loved listening to her thinking through the dishes and hearing her vocalize leaving things for others. But one phrase caught my heart as I listened. I had picked up a coffee cup from a reputable place which we both knew was a quality make. “Oh, I won’t take this one. I already have one and it has lasted me for years.” She placed it back down on the table contentedly. But the words hung in the air.
How quickly would I have thought about keeping a back-up cup? How quickly would I have thought to replace mine with the hope that the one on the table would outlast my old one? But here the lesson spoke truer, “I already have one.” It’s a lesson in contentment. A lesson in simplicity. I already have ONE. And she literally means just one.
Matt and I are still learning to live in the one, trusting not in our own provision but just… trusting. There’s nothing wrong in replacing the broken or the tired- in fact I’m thankful for a team coming in a couple of weeks that will be helping us replace some three year old items that are beyond limping along. But I just wanted to share this story in hopes that it could be an encouragement to others. Simplicity has been so freeing and so faith growing.
We are learning what to keep in extra. (You know, like a spare tire? 😉) And how to find contentment and freeing joy by a less full shelf. Because as it turns out, that shelf is as full as it needs to be. It truly IS enough.
The first year we were here in our current city, I sat down with the girls for a little stenciling fun. The girls made fun princesses, nature scenes and cute little animals while I made this reminder for our wall. Dear ones, I am still very much learning this lesson, but I can speak from my heart that this lessons is so incredibly freeing and true.
Lord, please continueto grow my faith. Please mature me, Father, like my sister who graciously and with a heart of gratitude returned the coffee cup to the table. I trust in Your provision, even in the little things. You are and will always be MORE than enough. Thank You, Lord. HOW You provide. I am overwhelmed. Thank You for the reminder through my sister today.