With trucking jobs, we may not see them as often as we’d like to…
but they’ll always be Goga and Gopa. =)
– We love them. =)
Striving for a God-honoring daily legacy amid life's beautiful adventure.
Maybe it’s in pulling out the winter blankets for the girls’ beds.
Maybe it’s in realizing how much Rachael has learned in last year’s homeschooling as I flip through this year’s homeschooling outline.
Maybe it’s in the realization that Abi no longer fits pants I got out last month.
Maybe it’s in hearing her add “certainly” and “presumably” to her 3 year old vocabulary.
Maybe it’s in watching Hannah’s eyes now open daily and soaking in her world.
Maybe it’s in overhearing Abi use words, “it’s ridiculous!” instead of screaming every time she’s frustrated (evidence of growing self-control).
Maybe it’s in the realization that Rachael will be 4 years old in just a few months.
Maybe it’s in noticing Abi’s face elongating and planning for potty training in just a few weeks.
Maybe it’s in the realization that Hannah’s 5 weeks old already.
Maybe it’s in contemplating bunking the beds after Rachael’s birthday.
Maybe it’s in looking into the “new kid room” and wondering who will be joining us
… and when
… and feeling like it is so soon
… and that I need to redress the beds in there sooner than later.
Maybe it’s a combination of all these things, but today they all just feel so big… so old… so “growing like weeds”.
Rubbing my hand through Hannah’s soft red-tinted hair takes me back to Rachael’s newness
… like it was just yesterday.
And then I see her, Ms. Long-legs, dancing down the hallway with Abi squealing and chasing her. Free and so alive.
– In the blink of an eye…
– Snuggling a little extra today.
One Sunday after church I decided to use the leftover pancakes to bring a new tradition into our family from my childhood: the clown pancake. Now, when I was young the clown pancake was eaten only on special occasions at “Carousel” restaurant where my uncle worked. I remember the excitement of the clown pancake in all it’s sugary goodness and presentation and hoped to bring such joy to my children. So I introduced the clown pancake one Sunday for lunch:
Our precious Hannah is one month old today. My how the time flies. And my, my how we adore this precious little girl… our Hannah Joy. =)
A play fort and some glow sticks make for an afternoon of jubilation.
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