*written yesterday but didn’t have time to post til today.
We started out yesterday morning coming in to be induced at 5am. While 5am was an early start to the day (since the day really started at 3:30a for me), we were excited at the surreal joy of finally getting to meet our Hannah. One last photo of the bump before suiting up in the gorgeous hospital gown 😉 and starting the IV.
They began the induction with a very small dose of Pitocin at 6am. It was a little slow going from the 3cm I started at to 4cm that we finally accomplished five hours later. They slowly inched the Pitocin up during the first five hours. And then after 12mL of pitocin per minute, my body took over and ran the rest of the labor without need for further induction.
The labor was primarily a lot of back labor and tailbone pain added to the laboring contractions. So I happily received an epidural at 4cm dilation and 75% effacement. Unfortunately the first epidural was a “dud”, but once it was removed and reapplied, my joy and smile returned. =)
I went from 5cm to 6 and almost 7cm in an hour and a half. Then I moved to 8, almost 9cm in twenty five minutes and landed at 10cm five minutes later. Yeah… the second half of labor went fast. And here’s the funny, quirkiness of my daughter. I was dilated to 10cm and fully effaced… and Hannah still had not dropped. hehe. No sooner had the nurse told me to notify her of any pressure I may have that the pressure of Hannah slowly descending into the birth canal was felt. Dr. K was still in transit from the office when I felt the first desire to push. I ignored that desire, waiting out Dr. K’s arrival.
I felt relieved when the nurses asked me to take a couple of preparatory pushes and then Dr. K walked into the room shortly thereafter. When I first started delivery pushes I felt immediately that Hannah was big. And after six or seven rounds of three/four pushes a piece, Hannah was out and under the lights. Physically Hannah’s delivery affects on my body were the gentlest to date via delivery. For that I was grateful for no additional drama and am currently blessed to be healing well and mobile.
Hannah was born at 2:12pm on September 5th, 2012 at a whopping 10lbs, 10 ounces and 24 inches long.
Yes, I birthed a 3 month old. 😉 And she couldn’t be healthier.
Hannah blessed me by immediately taking to nursing with a kind latch and has been a valiant learner since. I am thankful for the leeway of her ten pound self to teach her to get her suck organized without the urgency of jaundice or a low birth weight.
Still under twenty-four hours old, Hannah has been kind to Matt and I with her sweet little personality desiring uninterrupted close snuggling. She prefers to listen to Matt and my heartbeat and breathing while nuzzling her little face into our necks. She has a wonderful set of mature lungs that find their power when poked and prodded by nursing staff, but otherwise just complains in bird-like pathetic squawks when she feels that Mommy and Daddy are too far away.
Rachael and Abi came up to meet our newest family member the evening of the 5th, delighting in Hannah’s little bundle amongst to excitements of the hospital room, cupcakes to celebrate Hannah’s birthday (thanks Aunt Jes) and the energy of a day of play away from Mommy and Daddy that refused to let them sit still for long. Unfortunately I was awaiting the affects of my pain medication while they were visiting, but Rachael and Abi gave me grace and tried to hug very gently.
The first night Hannah napped in the evening, her first real nap on this side of the womb, and happily nursed for at least 15 minutes per side three times before settling in for the night at 1am. She slept until Mommy encouraged her feeding at 3am and had her first dirty diaper since delivery. Hannah decided to excel in her pottying habits coming in with her daily requirement of dirty diapers not during the regular 24 hours, but at just a few minutes over 12 hours. The nurse was very happy at the fruit of a good nurser.
So as we continue to nap, study, and delight over our newest daughter, we are enjoying her little grunts, snuggling habits, and excited visitors later today who will come to celebrate with us the blessing and miraculous gift of Hannah Joy.
She’s currently sleeping with her Daddy, inching over to be closer to his face so I am going to get off the computer and take advantage of another napping window before Hannah;s next feeding session.
We are blessed beyond belief and thankful for all the prayers, encouragement and support we have and will continue to receive from all our friends and family. It really has been an utter pleasure to share in these moments with you all. And best of all, it has and will continue to be our complete pleasure to share with you our dear little Hannah Joy. Thank you all again.
Happy birthday, little Hannah. Welcome to our world. =)