Today’s Running Shoes

Turn them out… out of doors!


The Batmobile.


And he’s off!


Creativity at it’s finest!


Their middles names could all be Joy, really.


Our patient and gentle teacher – love him so.


You can do it, girlie!


Look at her accomplishment!


Some day soon this will all come easily for her and the learning will be a memory soon forgotten.

But today the watching of her own feet means she’s still little… and she still needs our running-alongside encouragement.

She’ll take off on her own soon enough… too soon some days.

So we’ll delight in today’s running shoes.

Let’s go, Rachael.

We’re right here with you.

– They are a treasure.

And Waking Her

I couldn’t go back to sleep after our early morning nursing session. But Hannah? Oh no, she had no problem. She snuggled into me and slipped into a deeper, satisfied sleep. I kissed her forehead. Brushed aside her strawberry strands. That sleeping baby … never want to forget …

I went to lay back down. Just to give it a try. I knew my brain was already awake. And despite only the five hours, my body wasn’t feeling the need for more sleep. I was just awake. Ready. Wanting to get a jump on the day’s workload. I looked forward to it. That high of throwing yourself into hard work so you can admire the accomplishment.

The house was quiet. Deep breathing over the monitors.

Thank you, Lord. You bless me so. … Beyond words.

The vacuuming. The straightening. A few things here and there. Then I heard her squirm and moan. Odd. She was sleeping so soundly. “Do you need to go potty?” I whispered over her golden locks. A weary, clumsy toddler crawled from her bed. It’s in those moments that I am reminded of how little she is. Even though she’s running her world.

She woke up during her wait. The feet started to swing. A smile crept across her dimpled face. I knew she was up. But I gave her the opportunity to lay back down a bit. That lasted for twenty more minutes of straightening and cleaning. Then two blue eyes peeped out of her doorway. “You can come out.” I answered her eyes.

She watched me divide out the laundry. Putting aside the things that have grown too small. One shirt here, some pants there. And then she broke in, “Mommy, will you play with me?”

“I’ve got to get this work done, just a minute and then I’ll play.” Came the automatic response.

Silence. More folding.

“Mommy, will you get down the princess game? Mommy. Will you play with me?”

“I’m almost done with this stack.”

Her excitement grew as the stack neared it’s finish. A small celebration radiated through her little body at the last item’s folding. And off she darted for the playroom, ushering me in.

Down came the princess game. She scooted in beside me. There was so much other open floor to play on.

I returned to my “to hang up” pile.

“Mommy, will you play with me?”

Ok, God. I hear you. Priorities. She needs me.

I set aside the laundry.

“Yes, baby. I’ll play.”

Her quirky little personality. Her cackling laugh. Her little dimples. Her wild blond hair. Her ticklish squirming. Her concrete definitions. I drank it all in for over a half hour of early morning play.

I cherished it. I cherish it still. Such a rare gift sometimes. Just sitting with her and absorbing her world.

Thank you, Lord, for waking me up this morning.

…And waking her.

– Love her so.

Encouraging the Label

This may officially label me a dork, but I just wanted to share…

I love homeschooling. I love seeing how far she’s come. I delight in her hack-job cutting showing signs of control. I thrill at her choppy pencil lines taking on greater form. It excites me to hole-punch her work and flip back through two years of building skill.

It’s breathing hope into our upcoming Kindergarten work,

It’s such a delight to sit down with my little blondie and count animals. Or be blown away when she correctly identifies colors and numbers. Things I’ve never formally taught her. Things she has absorbed with a light in her eyes.

I just love homeschooling. I love sitting beside them when the lightbulb turns on. I love overhearing my preschooler educating my toddler because she just can’t help but share her worksheets while I’m transferring laundry.

I love watching the mastery and encouraging the efforts pre-mastery.

I just love the slow mornings… just the three of us. While the babies nap and Big Guy is gone fulfilling the state’s requirement of public schooling.

I just love it.

I really just love it.

The paste and the rice play and the sharpened pencils and the crayons and the worksheets.

Yes, I’m one of those dorks.

And I won’t have it any other way.


What a blessing, indeed!

For the Squish of It

Saw various “sensory bags” on Pinterest and thought we’d give it a go with some of our junk drawer “freebies” and a cold “no play outside” afternoon. Gathered some stray beads, googley eyes, small fake flowers, tissue paper, beads, foam stickers, buttons, bows, bells, leftover lotion, veggie oil, corn syrup, food coloring, shaving creme, paint, and various other little items to allow many, many choices.


“Wait, let Mommy take a picture and try not to look like you hate your life…” – Mission failed. HA! –


“Ok, now pick what you’d like to go in your bag.”

Then we added the gooshy choices to their hearts’ delights, squeezed the air out and sealed that puppy up. I added some duct tape to make myself feel a little easier about handing the bag to the preschoolers who would then run through my house with food colored, water balloon bag joys.


The play got mighty creative.


And some bags had to be double-bagged once *ahem* enjoyed.


“AHHHH Attack-face!!!”


I even made one for the babies. (Supervising at all times)


Hannah approved (Little Man was asleep, but later approved).

So the bags were fun for a day. But after two days they turned all slimy. Maybe it was the veggie oil seeping into the freezer bag plastic. Eh, who knows. But we wished them goodbye and counted it a great “get rid of junk AND enjoy the afternoon” craft. =)

The Great Catch

There are all kinds of ways to learn and still have fun.

We delight in magnets over here. And we’ve been using magnets to fish for letters.

We fished for our names, the alphabet, and “sharks”.


Amazing what a simple magnet tied to a pole can do to a child’s excitement level. =)


– Adore them.

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