Our Little 5

The 17th marked 5 months of Eliyanah. ❤️

You’ve found your joyful screaming voice (and we hope it doesn’t enter mealtime like baby Hannah chose for six months of our bleeding ears).

You’ve discovered your hands are useful when you concentrate hard to use them together.

You’ve started to become particular in what you choose to discover and how you play with your toys.

You’re smiley as ever.

And just as snuggly too.

We love you, Smalls. The last 5 months have been so much happier because you are a part of them. 🥰

Giggling Slobber-Chin Comes Home

We arrived home in Mozambique the day before you turned 3 months. Government delays in developing countries always add adventure to our lives, even if we don’t always welcome that kind of adventure. And now we can finally fill out that page in the baby (record) book called, “your first days at home”. 🎉🙌🏼🎉

You absolutely LOVE your hot air balloon mobile. And while excitedly kicking legs and flailing arms prove harder to undress and redress, your delighted coos at the balloon people bouncing along for their daily ride sure melts out hearts.

Finally being in the same country as all our homeschool curriculum has added to increased morning snuggle sessions to the soundtrack of civil war history at the moment. You don’t seem to mind in the least. Nor do you mind being “one of the girls” as you fit right into home life, despite the slight discomfort of the twenty degree jump when we crossed the border back into the tropics.

We even got to take you on your first walk on the beach… well, more like your first napping walk on the beach… hiding under a Muslim blanket for sun protection. … honestly, I’m not even sure if you knew we were ON the beach. 😂

You are THRILLED to now be old enough to face outward in the carrier (given to us by the wonderful friends you have yet to meet in your passport country, though not your birth certificate country). And with outward facing comes an instant teething bar and a whole world of excited “air swimming” amidst cooking, cleaning, and everyday tasks.

You’ve found your hands, your giggle,

And you still adore your bunny lovey (even when Mommy and Daddy accidentally leave him in Maputo and your Uncle Steve graciously drives him all the way up from Maputo, along with a lovely rocking chair).

We love you, Smalls, and are thrilled to have been given the privilege of three months of you.

Welcome home, baby girl. And happy 3 months!

Time Marches On

Happy two months, Eliyanah baby.

We’re thrilled to get to encourage you as you wake up and explore your world more.

You’re working hard these days on your milestones, even if diaper/clothing changes and getting burped are still your arch nemesis. 😂🤦🏽‍♀️

Your playful smile still melts us to the core.

And you’ve even decided to start taking on a 7 hour stretch of sleep at night, which makes us all smiley too! 🙌🏼

We love you, Smalls. You’re such a sweet blessing in our lives. ❤️

And thank you for joyfully finding that stroller peephole on our morning walks.

I love sneaking a peek at you too, baby girl. 🥰

One Month

You love to be held close, listening to us breathe

Feeling our hearts beat.

We’ll happily hold you. Too soon you’ll be grown. Time passes in a hurry.

And waits for no one.

You love to sleep, but sometimes we get eyes.

We’ll wait for your eyes as you study our faces.

We smile at yours and coo over your cuteness.

(Our rainbow holding our rainbow)
(Your sisters love to sing to you)

You love to find a cozy spot, snuggling in like you own the place.

(Hebrews 10:23)

And we’ll take every opportunity to make you feel comfortable, knowing that building trust is a constant investment worth making.

(I came into the room to discover your sisters taking turns snuggling you while you settled in to sleep because they know you prefer to be close)

Your life is still pretty simple. Yet your simple life has completely rocked our lives for the better.

(Your original due date and my hospital discharge date three years prior)

And we are still over the moon and completely smitten over your precious self.

(Fully belly sleep smiles)
(Our little sweet tagalong)

Happy one month young, little Eliyanah.

(Right before I snapped this picture you snuggled your bunny lovey close and crossed your legs)

You are such a beloved treasure indeed.

One Month

You love to be held close, listening to us breathe

Feeling our hearts beat.

We’ll happily hold you. Too soon you’ll be grown. Time passes in a hurry.

And waits for no one.

You love to sleep, but sometimes we get eyes.

We’ll wait for your eyes as you study our faces.

We smile at yours and coo over your cuteness.

(Our rainbow holding our rainbow)
(Your sisters love to sing to you)

You love to find a cozy spot, snuggling in like you own the place.

(Hebrews 10:23)

And we’ll take every opportunity to make you feel comfortable, knowing that building trust is a constant investment worth making.

(I came into the room to discover your sisters taking turns snuggling you while you settled in to sleep because they know you prefer to be close)

Your life is still pretty simple. Yet your simple life has completely rocked our lives for the better.

(Your original due date and my hospital discharge date three years prior)

And we are still over the moon and completely smitten over your precious self.

(Fully belly sleep smiles)

Happy one month young, little Eliyanah.

(Right before I snapped this picture you snuggled your bunny lovey close and crossed your legs)

You are such a beloved treasure indeed.

A Tiny One.

One week has never felt so short and so long. You’re so tiny, but haven’t you been in our family forever?

Happy one week young, Eliyanah! Here on Christmas Eve with all the excitement right around the corner the girls still say you are the best Christmas present ever!

How quickly you’ve become “one of us” and it’s hard to imagine our daily lives without you.

We’re all just so smitten over snuggly you. ❤️

We love you so, baby girl. ❤️

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