Embracing Foreign

When we found some stringy egg noodles at the local Chinese store and the tourist shop an hour away had some chopsticks for sale, we couldn’t resist some fun crossing cultures for lunch.

Some of us were more naturals. (I LOVE her confidence.)

And then there was the rest of us…

But it was fun, nonetheless

And definitely a repeat. 😉

From our Home to Yours

We just wanted to share some more pictures of our homeschool days.


What a blessing it is to learn and grow together.

We’ve had many great hands-on discoveries – and some were even quite tasty!

It may be listening to Vivaldi’s Winter movement in Four Seasons and painting a winter scene (even if I had to explain what Northern Hemisphere winter means – hah!), writing and drawing without hands, learning the most tasty chemistry around, enjoying classical music on headphones during some reading time, learning about blood analysis at a local clinic, planting herbs, reading endless books (especially to cats), exfoliating with mud creations, playing ancient civilization games, celebrating Biblical feasts (not pictured but in previous posts), science experiments with Daddy, computer reading lessons, learning the ukelele, Portuguese classes with a youth from the Maxixe church, but we just wanted to share the joy of discovery with you all.


What a privilege it is to discover!

Thank you for journeying with us.

Just a Tad Crazy

I wanted to share this story with you because I thought you’d enjoy it too. I originally sent it to my sweet friend who also appreciates all things bug-free and clean, but I thought you all would find a smile if I shared this story here too.

“I took the girls on a walk a couple of days ago and we stumbled upon a sewage gutter alongside the national highway. The mucky mud in the gutter was thick and green but in an effort to not get hit by cars, we were closer to it than I would have preferred. And low and behold, my reptile-lover 8-year-old spotted a bunch of tadpoles in all this scum on the side of the road. (Cultural backstory: Mozambicans hate reptiles and dirt.)

So I half-acknowledged Abi’s discovery hoping to drag the crew back home already when my six-year-old asked if she could touch one. …. yeah…. touch one…. We’re standing alongside the national highway with a million people staring at us and she wants to touch a sewage frog?…

Remembering it’s their childhood, “fine,” I said, hoping we could move on. So she pokes one and I tell her not to put her hands in her mouth or near her face until we get home and wash. Natually, at this point everyone else has to touch one and I have a crazy idea when I saw a broken butter tub nearby. Any guess?

Yep, to the audience of passing Mozambicans, this psycho scooped up four tadpoles from the muck and carried them home, holding them out from her body at a distance so none of the sludge would splatter my skirt, to the utter squealing delight of my kids.

The kids came home, we researched info on tadpole care and we are now the proud owners of four boiled lettuce eating scuzz-suckers who now live on our kitchen table. Ha! And this mother is cleaning out their water here at 10p after I’ve been awake since 3:50a because love makes you do some crazy things.

Goodbye reputation in Moz, hello cone of shame. 😉 And to ease both our consciences, we did a good doctor’s scrub when we got to the house because EWWW!!!”

This process even encouraged some self-initiated drawings and recording of directions so we wouldn’t kill our little friends – so bonus school! =)

The story continues as we faithfully fed those little vermins for a few weeks, even transitioning them to a terrarium and protecting them from the cats. Half of them even survived and transitioned to full-grown frogs! Then we let them go in the “Garden of Eden” in our backyard and I held my breath that the dogs wouldn’t eat them and thus horrify my children. We even wet the ground because compassion matters for these squishy friends.

Would I do it again?

Hands down, absolutely.

Would I still think it disgusting?

Hands down, absolutely!

Yom Kippur

We got the opportunity to enjoy another Biblical celebration that we observed as a part of our homeschooling.


It was a wonderful opportunity to discuss our need for atonement and redemption as well as forgiveness from God and for each other.

We enjoyed pouring over these topics in God’s Word and sharing in encouraging and praying for each other.


My older girls even tried their first go at fasting while we filled our normal meal time praying and reading the Word.


It was a meaningful observance of Yom Kippur for all.

Take Your Marks

I posted these on Facebook as they happened but I wanted to archive them here.

I have begun taking the girls on runs with me, to their desired excitement, and they have done incredible!

THIS KID took her first run with mom and ran TWO MILES (3K’s)!!! Way to go, Rachael!!! You rocked it!!! – sweaty and thankful – oh right, and did I mention that it was 95 (35C) degrees? – she’s a fighter!!!

(Rachael has more recently run 3 miles [5 k’s] with me).

THIS KID took her first run with mom and rocked a MILE (1.6k) like a champ!!! Great stamina for an 8 year old pushing through 82F (27C) degree weather! And, of course, what run would be complete without pretending to push your kid in a huge mud puddle, picking flowers and balancing on the curbs? 😉 – soaking up time with this awesome kid. – Abi’s crazy enough to want to do it again – ❤️ her so.

THIS KID ran for 1.5 MILES (2.4k’s) on her first run with Mom. My little Energizer Bunny did her run in spurts with her longest spurt being 3/4 of a mile (1.2k’s to be precise). And naturally, what run is complete without hopping to touch tree branches, skipping, singing, talking a hundred miles an hour, and voluntarily holding mommy’s hand when crossing the road? And in proper Hannah fashion, she even confidently directed post-run stretching. Hehe.- Love her joyful world. – Six years of amazing.

Eden’s still a bit young to run with me and hasn’t expressed an interest, but the older three have done amazing and I’m so proud of their hard work!

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