Good Mornings

I’m not sure who loves morning greetings more


Or her big sisters

Or maybe it’s this mama watching her girlies love on each other.

Good mornings, indeed. ❤️

The Middles (once the Littles)

Some moments the competition can be strong. You have no idea how alike you really are and that can make for some clashes.

But you can’t stay annoyed long because you need each other. You have this bond creating games out of thin air together. Laughing in hysterics over movie quotes repeated for the 19th time in a row but still absolutely hilarious to you both. You have jokes only you two get. Story lines that entertain you talking for hours on end about fantasy castles, imaginary animals and lists of future pets. You have such similar interests, similar play needs and similar attention spans.

You both have zero barriers or hesitancy to play with anyone: young or old, regardless of whether they speak your language or ever will. You both don’t see barriers, just opportunities. And yet you always play together with a new friend. Always inviting each other to go meet the new friend. You are a pair that comes together naturally.

And how I love to watch you both play. You can always create a game anywhere.

Sisterhood is truly a gift from the Lord and I’m so blessed to see how He has given you to each other.

And how you have received His gift with joyfully open arms.

I absolutely love getting a front-row seat encouraging your love.

A Tiny One.

One week has never felt so short and so long. You’re so tiny, but haven’t you been in our family forever?

Happy one week young, Eliyanah! Here on Christmas Eve with all the excitement right around the corner the girls still say you are the best Christmas present ever!

How quickly you’ve become “one of us” and it’s hard to imagine our daily lives without you.

We’re all just so smitten over snuggly you. ❤️

We love you so, baby girl. ❤️

From our Home to Yours

We just wanted to share some more pictures of our homeschool days.


What a blessing it is to learn and grow together.

We’ve had many great hands-on discoveries – and some were even quite tasty!

It may be listening to Vivaldi’s Winter movement in Four Seasons and painting a winter scene (even if I had to explain what Northern Hemisphere winter means – hah!), writing and drawing without hands, learning the most tasty chemistry around, enjoying classical music on headphones during some reading time, learning about blood analysis at a local clinic, planting herbs, reading endless books (especially to cats), exfoliating with mud creations, playing ancient civilization games, celebrating Biblical feasts (not pictured but in previous posts), science experiments with Daddy, computer reading lessons, learning the ukelele, Portuguese classes with a youth from the Maxixe church, but we just wanted to share the joy of discovery with you all.


What a privilege it is to discover!

Thank you for journeying with us.

Road Trip!!!

We had an opportunity to head to South Africa for a few days while getting a car rack installed on our vehicle. We took a few days to play and gather supplies after the car work was done before we returned to Mozambique. Here’s some of our adventure.

I love that despite having a bed for each girl, there in our little cottage, our ladies chose to share a big sister sleep-over each night. Their little hearts are beautiful. No one could be left out.


We went ahead and got our hair trimmed while there in South Africa. I usually trim everyone’s hair while we’re here in Mozambique, but the girls enjoyed the spoiling.

Eden REALLY enjoyed the hair washing part.


The girls enjoyed the opportunity to play in restaurant play areas while we waited on our food. Honestly it was insane some of these play areas for the kids and they absolutely had a blast.

We even went to an indoor splash pad.

And burned crazy amounts of energy at a trampoline park.

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We had some really yummy “American” food.


And while it was an utter blast, I love that my girls could not wait to come home to their backyard, their bikes, their friends and their Mozambique. It was a beautiful time as a family to appreciate the blessing of more “Western World fun” while still appreciating the richness of life here amid the more simple. I love that my girls were really able to embrace that well; rejoicing in both places and having family conversations about the value of the two worlds we live in. And all of our hearts were full to the max as we turned down our street to return home here in Mozambique.

God has truly blessed us to the uttermost.

We are beyond grateful.


Thanks for the fun, South Africa!




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