While Mozambicans can’t afford a cement courtyard or block house rooms for their family members (let alone a cool city drain to sweep rubbish into), a lot is common between the West Coast and here on the East Coast of Africa.
Water access, everyone pitching in for the family unit, chores and family roles are all important daily realities.
When’s the last time you wondered if there would be enough water for your family to drink today?
When’s the last time you wondered if the pipes would produce water to wash the dishes, flush the toilets (or wash away the waste) or cook with?
You turned four months on Easter this year. You’re a lightweight at 12.5lbs (5.6kg) and 27.5 inches (70cm). Thanks to your Daddy’s genes you are in 6 month clothing and off the charts due to your height alone, with much room to expand in your string-bean torso. But thankfully you have those kissable cheeks we all can’t resist.
(One of her last days in “tiny baby” clothing before we couldn’t smash her height into it anymore)
Your laugh, child, is to die for and keeps us all instantly wanting to “do it again” regarding whatever your little sense of humor found to be so entertaining. And yes, you’ve started just laughing when you’re a bit slap happy tired before sleep times, which makes us all giggle too.
(Playing dress-up with her sisters)
You still have gorgeous baby blues that fluctuate between crystal blue, gray and all the shades in between just like your big sister, Abi.
And so far you’ve kept your “Hannah” honey-red hair. Your temperament is 💯% elated joy or 💯% meltdown wrath. And yes, those two extremes can be found within the same 10 second window. 😂
You love books already, instantly stopping what you’re doing to give your full attention to a story and you’re even starting to enjoy looking at the pictures.
Tummy time isn’t instantly bad anymore and you rolled over the day after you turned four months just to prove once again that time flies. You have figured out how to stand when assisted and prefer to be held facing out so you can see all life’s action.
You still love taking naps in our arms and being swaddled, but enjoy yourself a solid nap on mommy and daddy’s bed and also sleep in your bed at night. And while that three to four month sleep regression hit you harder than any of your sisters, you’re beginning to return back to your 6:30p- 2:30/3:30a sleeping stretch, feed and then sleep until 5:30/6a pattern.
(You will fall asleep at 6:30p wherever you are.)
Love you to pieces, Smalls, and I’m so thankful you completed our ladies basketball team. 😉
Today Abi turned 10 and I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it. Over the weekend we enjoyed a Star Wars themed party with family.
She was spoiled by family love without a doubt.
Complete with Jedi training course (and Yoda in the backpacks, naturally). My little Leia may be blinking, but that smile was there permanently this past Saturday.
Today, we celebrated with Aunt Jes, Uncle Nayt and Rori in Minnesota.
We had some great backyard water play. Later, lasagna was her birthday dinner of choice. (Yay for being in a country with the ingredients this year!)
And who wouldn’t pick angel food cake with strawberries and chocolate whipped creme instead of birthday cake?
You are an absolute gem of a child. You love others so well, thrilling in going out of your way to serve them. Whether it’s bringing your almost two year old cousin downstairs to play Baby Shark music and dance with her because you love her squealing excitement or spending your allowance money on this to spoil your sisters, you have such a pure, giving heart. You think so much about others and pay attention to the little things that bless them. You are a lover of bike tricks (28 seconds with your hands off the handlebars in your record), all things Star Wars and Legos. How quickly you run to help and how blissfully you dance to ballet songs and sing at the top of your lungs in the car to the Phantom of the Opera. You are just my chill kid, happy and calm. Your hands are always open to others and your smile is an outpouring of your heart. You’re quick to give bear hugs and the first to share your stuffed toys (even giving one of your four away to someone younger than you because it brings them joy). Sweet girl, you have the heart of Jesus in you and it’s so amazing to watch you learn and grow in faith through your consistent reading of the Word.
Precious, Abi, you are such a sweetheart and I’m so blessed to be your mom. Never stop seeing the best in others, beautiful girl, and know that your mommy is applauding your every dream, every passion and every childhood delight. I couldn’t love you more, beautiful Abi. Thank you for being such an amazing kid. Can’t wait to see what year 10 has in store for you.
I am sure that when you recorded your Sunday School message for your Preschool/Kindergarten class you thought about each of the faces in your class. But four more faces wanted to join your class and were DELIGHTED to sit under your teaching again.
All on their own they gathered supplies, helped each other plan out and tape the scroll ends, selected extra Bible verses to add to their scrolls (because apparently one is just not enough), wrote all the Bible verses on the board so everyone could see, copied the verses onto their scrolls, lightly colored and distressed their scrolls (it’s all about affect, people), and helped each other roll and tie the scrolls (complete with cat supervision, naturally).
Our Abi may have long since graduated from your class (and our sixth grader, Rachael, even longer than that!), Hannah also skipped right over your class jumping from the toddler class to Africa to second grade Sunday school, but Eden was THRILLED to learn that she would probably be in your class when we, Lord willing, get to visit back to the States.
These guys may not have a chart in your class for a sticker, but they wanted to repeat the summary verse. (Sorry it’s dark)And Hannah wanted to look the verse up and read it from the Bible.❤️ We love you, Mrs. Susan, and thank you for a wonderful lesson and a fun project. We can’t wait to see you and hug you in a few months, Lord willing. ❤️
P. S. Thanks for ignoring our pajamas and bed heads. We do real life here and your lesson was too exciting to bother delaying while we got ready for the day. 😉
In some ways it makes total sense and in some ways it completely baffles my mind:
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How is this kid 11 today?!!
Your birthday this year was spend decorating your own cupcakes, opening a few wonderful gifts, and going to the local restaurant that has swings for dinner (fries and Fanta, anyone?). It was a simple and joyful time celebrating your gentle, thoughtful, loving self. We adore you, kid, and the joy you bring to our home. Thank you for taking long walks with me just so we can talk about anything under the sun, thank you for caring for those younger than you so well, daring to serve when it’s not easy. It is a joy being your mommy and an utter delight to get to encourage you as you learn and grow. So to my always curious, book devouring, self-motivated, Scripture memorizing, anatomy and physiology study exploring, craft project delighting, ukulele strumming, now harmonica blowing, 10k run conquering, living room dancing, lego constructing, Portuguese mastering, culture crossing, little kid including, patience yielding, heart-felt serving, conversation contributing, smile causing adventurer:
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🎉Happiest of birthdays, sweet Rachael.🎉
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Daddy and I love you so much and are so honored to be your parents.
We cannot wait to see what year 11 has in store for you, sweet girl.