A play fort and some glow sticks make for an afternoon of jubilation.
I wanted to share this from an email I sent to a friend who asked how things were going in our neck of the woods:
We’ve been finding our balance times we can go out (between feedings) and times I need the privacy of our home to avoid meltdowns (of the children, of course. LOL). [She says while bouncing the newborn, typing with one hand and juggling the pacifier the baby keeps spitting out.] I’ve also been mastering the art of nursing the baby while: making lunch, folding laundry, problem-solving, cleaning, and mediating. I tell ya what, that Hannah sure has a good latch. Most of our nursing sessions are not done with aerobics at the same time, but at least once daily requires some “skill”.
I have found that three kids keeps me more homebound with great value in everything being here w/o requiring me to have brushed teeth. 😉 I have been keeping up on the laundry (doing 1-2 loads per day and nearly getting them all folded and put away as well). This makes me feel great accomplishment. =D Funny how accomplishing a load of dishes, laundry or a shower before noon makes you think about writing in to the Noble Peace Prize for a nomination.
I, like you, have been focusing not on how to get a large amount of things done, but on how to get things done well. It’s more than just listing off desired behaviors louder than the frustrated screams, but making the time to explain why we should want to serve our family over ourselves in two and three year old lingo. It’s finding that extra special way to show each one of them love daily in the way they understand love. It’s strategizing your day so you’re nearby to listen in and encourage respectful play amongst sisters, ready to model kindness and clear communication. It’s nursing the baby while making lunch sometimes, but it’s also sitting down and having an extra rocking session without concern for the washer’s transfer needs. It’s settling into the balance of productivity mixed with the reality of a pajama day. It’s dancing in the accomplishment of timeliness being defined as only 5 minutes late when two poopy diapers announced themselves at the exit door. It’s saying “no” to extras and “yes” to help without falling into the trap of feeling useless in motherhood. It’s seeking opportunities to serve others from your living room or drop off some encouragement when the kids are already strapped into the car. It’s letting go of nap-teased hair and laughing at the new shapes hair takes as it dances in the afternoon breeze on the family walk. And it’s engaging the girls in dollhouse play while vacuuming the living room with the baby strapped to your chest.
It’s a whirlwind, a challenge and an utter, laughable joy that both keeps me going and knocks me off my feet. It’s three. And I love it!
I was born for this. =)
Hannah’s now 3 weeks old as of yesterday, sleeping 4-5.5 hours at a time at night (thanks be to God) with an occasional odd 3hr shift in there every few nights, and gives us eyes for about a total of 2 hours daily. She continues to be a peaceful, predictable, and patient baby that I’m praying she doesn’t “grow out of” next week. She has her moments of “help me fall asleep” exhaustion 1-2x per day, but with a little bouncing and extra snuggling she knocks out within 10 minutes. She has never returned to that crazy shrieking scream that was unable to find a solution (referring to day 3 and 4 of life). And grateful cannot resound any more from my lips.
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that we’re nuts to have had three so close together. Makes me want to pull out a picture of your family. 😉 But, honestly, it doesn’t feel like too much to handle. It’s just like a fun Tetris puzzle – figuring out which piece goes where to get everyone’s needs met today. I’m thankful for no hormonal weirdness leftovers. I’m thankful for calm, quiet Jesus music setting the background for patience and peace in our household. And I’m thankful for the hope of good seeds producing good fruit when I sit down and take the time to teach life lessons, over behavior avoidance.
So thanks for asking. And for caring.
And for loving us.
The Projected Normal
* This is a sample of my current schedule mashed with our old schedule. And therefore the reason for the blogging silence. 😉
Thanks to my Mom staying for over a week, we have not run this schedule but for two days thus far. That being said, we are grateful and yet have found that this schedule is now in full swing with some obvious adjustments should Hannah add in an extra growth-spurt feeding and should there not arise any additional snuggle/teaching needs for the older two.
We just play each day by ear, but at least in this household this is what we’ve found to be most affective for this current phase of having a 3.5 year old, 2 year old and a newborn. Tweaking, obviously, occurs daily. 😉
Between 12:30 and 1:30a – Hannah wake-up feeding #1 (feeding takes 50 minutes to an hour and fifteen minutes depending on her level of sleepiness). Change diaper and reswaddle before putting her back in her bassinet.
Between 4:30a and 5:30a – Hannah wake-up feeding #2 (see above). Change the laundry to the dryer (if applicable).
Between 6:30 and 7:10a – Depending on Hannah’s level of sleeping from previous feeding depends on when I, Ms. Roadkill, drag myself out of bed. Hannah feeding #3 (feeding only takes about 30-45 minutes this time). Change Hananh’s diaper.
Between 7 and 7:30a – Rachael and Abi awake. Mommy’s morning devotion time. (If I don’t get in my devotion at that point then I add it to a Hannah feeding somewhere else in the day).
Between 7a and 7:15a – Matt awakes, sets coffee pot, and showers.
7:30a – Retrieve Rachael and Abi (or send Matt to do likewise). Abi’s diaper change. Encourage girls to go to the table for breakfast or go play while breakfast is being made (depending on our level of breakfast involvement). Put soiled Hannah/Abi diapers in hamper. Take laundry out of dryer. Start folding previous day’s diaper laundry that I never got around to yesterday.
8a – Breakfast for girls (Matt usually makes it). Then Matt’s devotion time while they eat.
8:30a – Remind girls that breakfast is for eating, start girls’ bathwater, settle Hannah into swing or bouncer. Think about showering. Check facebook, email, pinterest (optional).
8:40a – Aid girls in getting into bath. Scrub a dub children. (On the non-bath days, aid the girls in picking out play from the magnet board and getting them on task.) Prep Hannah’s bath. Pick out Rachael/Abi/Hannah’s clothes/lay them out.
8:50a – Hannah’s bath.
9a – Dress and rediaper Hannah. Say goodbye to Matt (maybe asking him to feed the cats or bring out the trash on the way out if he can).
9:10a – Settle Hannah into swing or bouncer. Get Rachael/Abi dryed off/dressed. “Hair and teeth” for Rachael and Abi. Set out diapers to sun (if needed).
9:40a – Think about a shower again and try to strategize how to get one.
9:50a – Hannah feeding #4. Read 400 books to Rachael/Abi during Hannah feeding via their initiative.
10:40a – Encourage independent play or cooperative play or (mood-pending) watching a movie so I can get a shower.
10:50a – After gathering clothes, change Abi’s now poopy diaper, change Hannah’s diaper and settle everyone in so I can take a shower.
11a – I get my shower (victory!) and get dressed for the day while Hannah hangs out in the bouncer.
11:30a – Lunch prep while encouraging the girls to clean up.
11:40a – Rachael/Abi sit down to lunch and I attempt to tidy the house a bit.
Noon – Check facebook, email, or pinterest (optional) or do something for a few seconds “away” while the girls finish their lunch. Turn on nursery fan to aid Abi in transition to nap time. notice that Hannah’s starting to squirm a little. Snuggle time with Hannah. Bring in diapers from sunning (if applicable).
12:05 – 12:10p – Matt comes home for lunch. I usher Abi to say her “hi’s” and “goodnight’s” to everyone while encouraging Rachael to finish eating (she’s slow) and then go to the bathroom in prep for nap. Put Abi down for nap (diaper change and story reading).
12:15p – Hannah diaper change. Hannah feeding #5. Matt helps to usher Rachael to her bed if Hannah won’t wait for me to do it first. Matt makes “Mommy and Daddy lunch”.
12:20 – 1:05p – Lunch/feeding Hannah.
1:05p – Clean up from lunch. Bathroom break. Tidy up a bit (there always seems to be something on the “to do” list). Then settle Hannah in for her nap (usually not hard since the child sleeps constantly).
1:30p – Mommy nap (optional). Otherwise, make wipes, clean something, fix something, laundry needs, etc. as needed. Begin typing or just thinking about possible blog post (may or may not complete it in this 24 hour time period).
2:30p – Notice Abi is starting to stir a bit. Conclude what I am doing or continue to sleep because she’s yet to wake me up on the baby monitor.
3p – Abi awakes and stealthily climbs into Rachael’s bed. Rachael moans and groans. I either wake up (if I was napping) or realize that my productive time is drawing to a close. Hannah feeding #6.
3:10p – Both girls are now fully awake and no longer in the groggy wake-up phase. Listen for their cue to come let them out (they knock on the nursery door) when they’ve decided bed playing is done. Hannah diaper change.
3:30p – Girls are up and out of their rooms. Abi diaper change. Read books to girls while continue to feed Hannah.
4p – “Daddy’s home from work!!!” Participate in celebration and take opportunity to settle Hannah into the swing or the bouncer and “get some things done” tidying, cleaning, decluttering, or whatever that I didn’t get done b/c I was napping or because I ran out of time.
4:30p – 5p – Try to entertain two hungry children and keep them from driving Daddy crazy while he cooks. Change Abi’s diaper. Check Hannah’s diaper and change as needed.
5p – Set table with girls and help them clean up from anything they got out to play with.
5:15p – Dinner
6p – Hannah begins to get uncomfortable for her dinner. Scramble to get dinner cleaned up and prepped for another 50 minute round of Hannah feeding.
6:15p – Hannah diaper change. Hannah feeding #7.
7p – Last leg of play/family activity before bedtime routine.
7:30p – Start bedtime routine. Cleaning up any left-over toys. Pajamas for girls. Brushing teeth. Two books.
8p – Lights out for the girls.
8:10p – Breathe. 😉 Hannah diaper change. Moment to talk to Hannah while her eyes are temporarily opened.
8:30p – Begin bulk-feeding Hannah, getting comfortable because I’ll be here on the couch for a while.
8:30 – 10:30p – Matt/I hang-out time while I’m bulk feeding Hannah. Hannah diaper changes and bedtime prep. Somewhere during this time I pass out cold on the couch. It’s uncontrollable. I have just hit empty. A 20-30 minute nap gets me through the rest of the evening.
10:30p – Hannah bedtime. Kisses, swaddling, fans on, and “goodnight” small baby.
10:45p – Gather all necessary items to make it through the night (diapers -if not refilled, wipes, diaper rash creme, flannel inserts, extra cover, nursing pillow, etc) and make sure they’re bedside since I don’t want to be wandering the house all night long with a crying baby when I could be sleeping. Update blog (setting completed post, if applicable, to a scheduled date). Start cloth diapers in wash.
11p – Brush teeth, think through scheduling needs of next day, start laundry if needed, feed cats – especially if they were previously forgotten to be fed (my bad), last minute tidy-up. Transfer diapers to dryer or finish wash cycle.
11:30p – Fall over dead into bed… or a few minutes after 11:30p cause something else needed my attention.
*** Scroll to top of the post and repeat tomorrow. =D
The Last Few
So over these last few days I’ve found projects to keep me busy and distracted.
After being given the first letters of Rachael and Abi’s names a good while back that I hung above their beds on the wall, I decided it would be cool to have one for Hannah as well. Before we got a second glimpse at Hannah’s gender (when we found out that she was breached) I was debating leaving the letter off the wall until we were certain of gender come delivery day. Even though they get a good look at her gender at 21 weeks, you never know. After we discovered she was breached we were certain of her femininity with a clear, unmoving picture. At 37 weeks she would have had VERY obvious boy parts should she have been an Elijah Joel. 😉
So the letter on the wall was now an option.
I started off to the craft store with the girls to buy an H in the same letter series that the girls’ letters came from. Unfortunately in the past two years the craft store had stopped selling that line of letters. So I became more creative. Still wanting things to be reasonably priced, I opted for the simpler letters for $1.50 a piece instead of the $3 ones since I’d now be purchasing three letters, one for each of the girls, so they matched. With the $1.50 letters I was also able to give Rachael and Abi a choice from a few decals to put on their letters. Hannah got the default one after Rachael and Abi picked.
When we got home and the girls were down comfortably for their nap, I used some nearby paint left over from painting the nursery “back in the day”. I painted all three letters the same so they’d match and then attached their decals to the letters with sticky tac so they could exchange decals later if they wanted or the decals could be used to decorate other things in the future.
Thus I give you their letters: It was a few hour project due to allowing paint to dry.
I also decided to label the girls’ drawers and put up words/pictures to help them in putting away the laundry. Rachael has her drawers memorized as to what should go where, but Abi often will forget between the couch and her squealing run down the hallway just what drawer you asked her to put her clothing into. So in an effort to reinforce literacy for Rachael and encourage Abi’s independence, I found these labels online. I printed them off and slapped their beautiful black/white selves on the drawers.
And that happy little project also extended to the closet where the organization is a happy perk in easy communication of hang-up items.
Then I saw a pinterest post of a do-it-yourself butterfly mobile and thought instantly “I’d like to do that….. some day” well some day came over the last few days. While I chose not to use the above tutorial, I did print off a basic outline of a butterfly from searching “clipart butterfly” on google images. Then I printed off 10 pages of black/white butterflies. Since I wasn’t worried about rushing the project, but instead about filling time with a fun craft, I wasn’t concerned that I planned to color each of the 60 butterflies’ front and back (120 total) and then cut each one out. I used a cross-stitching wooden ring as my circular base. I then painted it white as a primer and a light pink (mixed from the old nursery colors). I used some clear fishing line found in the bracelet section of the craft store ($2). Thanks to borrowing a friend’s glue gun (I don’t have one), I tied and glued the fishing line to four spots on the top of the circle, attaching a small washer to the top as a “hanging hook.” I then glued nine butterflies around the upper circle. Then I attached the various lengths of fishing line hanging down from the circle. After each butterfly was colored and cut out, I hot glued each at various places to each of the eight hanging strings. I did some basic math to use the remaining butterflies to attach at least six butterflies per string.
Now I did have some battle scars from gluing the butterflies on: burnt fingers, two thumbs, a spot on my wrist, and, sadly, the pad of my right foot from dripping glue. But honestly I really enjoyed the project without the time commitment feeling too laborious. And thus the product that hangs above the changing table in the nursery:
Fun projects. More simple home improvement. And time well spent. =D
The Last of Us
Well, I guess it’s not really the last of us, but it was the last vacation of “just the four of us.”
We headed an hour away to a hotel,
enjoyed the pool,
and stayed up late watching football together on the big king-sized bed while eating popcorn and special snacks the girls picked from a nearby gas station. We laughed, the girls did some bed jumping, and then they fell asleep around 9:30p on the pull-out sofa bed.
The next morning we decided to go to COSI, an awesome children’s science museum. We got in free with our local children’s museum passes gifted to us this past Christmas from the grandparents.
The girls ran amuck, enjoying all they could soak in and we even enjoyed some lunch down in the cafeteria.
We loaded up a little after 1:30p and found ourselves back at home by 3pm.
It was a wonderful last get-away of just the four of us before we all welcome Ms. Hannah Joy to the family soon.
Oh the delights of two small girls soaking in the utter excitement of what so many pass by as commonplace.
We all had a wonderful time!
VBS Lives On
I saw these two posts and decided to tackle Matt and my old stack of t-shirts, most old Vacation Bible t-shirts that have seen their heyday as exercise shirts, undershirts, and “around the house” shirts.
So I made this:
For over here:
1. It’s proof that I’ve been forcing myself to sit down and put my feet up more here at the end of Hannah’s pregnancy.
2. It defines a play space and adds color to that part of the large room.
3. I like it. =)
Win, win, win!
Oh, and they approve (and rearrange it) too. =)
Cost: $0, 8 or 9 (I lost track) evenings of time while watching the Olympics and “a little here and a little there” time while watching movies with my kids.