This past week Matt and I had the privilege of celebrating 14 years of marriage.

We took the kids to a secluded beach house and enjoyed four days of whale watching from the top of high sand dunes, tidal pool exploration, and family games.

I didn’t take many pictures because the focus was more on just being together. It was really fun changing up the scenery here on another wave of country-wide COVID lockdowns. I always cherish the time spent at our favorite spot, where time seems to be in abundance and family bonding is a focus.

There were crisp mornings on the tops of the sand dunes where the girls and I enjoyed cups of hot chocolate and waking up to the whale calves jumping. There was nowhere to be. Nothing to do but just snuggle together in blankets and watch the world wake up together. (The girls even enjoyed feeling their baby sister in my belly squirming around and waking up for the day with us too.)

Amazing what 14 years has brought into Matt and my lives. So many good and hard things we have grown together through. And it was lovely just stopping for a few days to breathe in and out as a family and a couple, reflect some, and just slow down from the noise.

It was a set aside time to treasure what the Lord has brought before us, thanking Him for His provision and protection.

(She fell asleep on my lap again during family devotion time)
(Sometimes the best thing is sitting with your feet in the warm sand and watching the waves slowly roll in.)

And a time to even thank Him for the challenges that have defined our family in ways we did not know we needed refining.

We celebrated growth and the internal quiet changes as He has continued to mature each of us in Christ. We dreamed a bit as a family. And we looked at the stars, blanketing the huge African sky and reminding us of just how Big He is and how small we are.

And we just sat in silence together, watching the horizon. Not finding a need for words, but just enjoying being together.

I wonder what the next 14+ years will hold for us.

And I smile at the future.

Knowing the Lord is already there.


Eden, how the time has flown. How are you seven already?

How simple and joyful your birthday was this year. You chose for a quiet day at home, my little introvert, to just play with your family and carry on our Friday night pizza and movie tradition.

You were thrilled to help decorate your own cake this year and chose a beloved kitty, of course.

And you highly enjoyed the Minecraft zoo your oldest sisters built you so you could feed and care for the animals (your favorite part of playing that game), the container of sour gummies from Hannah and the stick horses Daddy and I made for you.

(You wanted your horses to have Elsa and Anna hairdos)

Naturally the stick horses needed to race around the house, jump on the trampoline and got to the grocery with us.

You also joyfully volunteered to share your celebration with our new guard, his wife and their newborn baby as they came by for a visit.

Eden, we love you so much and are thrilled to celebrate another year of your life. May the Lord continue to grow you up in knowledge of Him and love for life. Your compassion for others, ease in finding delight in the simplest things, and ability to instantly make a friend are contagious to those around you. It’s an honor and a joy to get to love you, Beeden.

🎉Happiest of birthdays to our new seven year old! 🎉

A Pleasing Aroma

What is the cost of followship? Everything. What is the cost of obedience? Absolutely everything. —Hoisting absolutely everything onto the altar. Even the unthinkable. Placing it on the altar in times of joy and in times of distress. Even when you dance beside the altar, rejoicing in the opportunity to give an offering. Even when you clutch the altar afterward and don’t know the words to pray. Even when you lay your head on the altar and just have a good cry. It all must go. It all must be placed on the altar. It all becomes a pleasing aroma.

In that moment as you watch it burn, it may feel like something is being taken from you. Or maybe you’d like to just take the sacrifice off for just a minute longer to say goodbye. To grieve for just a minute longer. But you know your feelings betray you. They are but a passing wind, strong as they may be. His promises have not changed. You can cling to His assurance that it is indeed a pleasing aroma unto Him.

The joy and the free-will offering. To the altar.

The sacrifice and the suffering. To the altar.

The hours and years of lamenting. All to the altar.

And the aroma rises.

And even as you wait for the peace, the resolution, in the silence…

The aroma rises unto the Worthy One.

As you watch it burn you know deep down that the offering never belong to you in the first place.

It may have been a beloved lamb. The best you could offer.

But it was never yours.

It doesn’t have to be a pleasing aroma to you. It’s a pleasing aroma unto the Lord.

He is Worthy.

“Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” Romans 12:1.

The Snuggly Duckling

This season of Stateside has been amazing and challenging to say the least. Life is always a mixed bag. And since we do transitions best with a pet nearby, we decided to throw in some ducks to our mix for a couple of months.

They started out, straight from the post office (you can mail birds!), super tiny and snuggly. And naturally irresistible.

And they just made their way into our everyday lives.

A little pool-side summer reading…
Meeting a new friend

We even got to take showers with the ducks. You know, all because childhood should come with MUCH squealing and laughter.

They grew up fast and before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye as they moved to the farm.

They enjoyed one last shower and one last swim in the baby pool.

And then it was time to load up!

Our drive was long and allowed for some leg snuggles.

Goodbye, sweet duckies! Thanks for being so sweet, never biting us, and all the fun memories.

Rachael with she and Abi’s duck, Quack-on-Gin.
Abi with she and Rachael’s duck, Quack-on-Gin.
Hannah with her duck, Padme Quackmidala.
Eden with her heavy duck, Sunny Rey.

“Do you think they’ll remember us?” Hannah asked quietly from the backseat as we drove away from the farm.

“I don’t think ducks have memories quite like we do but I think they felt safe with us, Hanny. And I don’t think we’ll forget them.” I told her.

“Yeah…” she said with a smile as she looked out the window.

They sure were filthy little things sometimes.

But they were beyond worth it.

Goodbye, beloved duckies. Thanks for the journey.

My Beloved

Softly and gently, he leads with an extended hand.

Patient and giving, he opens up his life to another.

Loyal and faithful, he drives hours round trip to just sit with another in a hard time and pray.

He knows when to step forward to direct a conversation, and when to wait in the sanctifying shadows.

Thinking and planning, he invests in others.

Passionate and caring, he wholeheartedly shares his love for the Lord.

Serving and dedicated, he quietly cleans without fanfare.

He knows when best to be silly and play, and when to create still and snuggle.

Pliable and teachable, he listens to wisdom.

Hardworking and trustworthy, he searches the Scriptures well into the night.

Carefree and unashamed, he creates unforgettable memories.

He knows when to foster adventure and when to hide in pajamas at home.

Matthew is this and so much more. Words really fail to describe my beloved’s heart for the Lord, his family and those God brings into his path. Words fail to describe how deeply he is loved and how much of a blessing he is to those around him. It is a true honor to stand beside this man as the Lord molds and shapes his life to bring Him glory.

Happiest of happy birthdays, Love. Even if the pool water was beyond freezing (BEYOND FREEZING), thank you for yet another example of how, even on your birthday, you pour yourself out investing in others. How you teach me in your love for the Lord splashing over into others.

❤️I love ya, Babe. Happy Birthday. ❤️

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