
Striving for a God-honoring daily legacy amid life's beautiful adventure.
Pro of 7 months pregnant:
– frequent kicks
– baby dragging limbs and elbows to scrape along innards
– carrying part of my family with me
– bladder and intestine kicks resulting in quick trips to the bathroom
– still being able to get up and down form the floor, though it is becoming more awkward
– a co-worker informed me that the waddle-walk has become me
– No one can tell me that #1 – there’s not a baby inside & #2 – it doesn’t have a mind of it’s own
But in all, friends, it’s really neat to feel baby’s sleeping and awake patterns, hiccups, response to sugary juices, and migration patterns (while some are becoming more intrusive and painful). There is nothing like watching the faces of friends when they get kicked by our baby. And the increasing reality of the “countdown” being more and more in our favor when it comes to a potential birthday of this little one is quite fun. Part of me anxiously awaits the joy of being able to hold and see our baby, but the other part of me really enjoys the time that I get to spend right now, holding our baby. I often wonder who he/she will look like, what their personality will be like, and what it will feel like to live the normal day in and day out (my favorite part of doing life with Matt) with a little one. Thinking of the joy of being a mom and watching my mom’s eyes light up at the thought of being a grandma and watching Matt’s elated joy as he gets kicked makes me want to snuggle our baby.
God has so blessed us by this little life and they aren’t even “here” yet. Thank you, Lord, for our little one. Thank you.
So I have a confession to make…
Sunday I went over to Jenney’s house after popping into a few stores with Jenney to run a few errands. I held her kitten, Ebony, an all-black and all-loving kitten that sunk into my neck with loud purring. That’s right, friends, I want a furry.
Yes, it’s been almost 3 weeks since Cheddar has been gone. Kinda odd to think about how long it has felt. But I really do want a purry furry for this purry furry friendly house. No, I haven’t talked to Matt. No, the cat can’t be anything but tolerant of huge wolf-like dogs. And no I’m not completely rational in my thought process of getting a cat. And also, no I am not going to run out and buy some cat (Matt sighs as he reads this), but…
Yes, I want a furry. A good one. A lovable one. And just maybe sometime in the near (within a year) future some stray furry from the SPCA or something will find it’s home with us and the wolf. And who knows… just maybe I’ll be able to convince Matt of getting a furry sooner than the “much later” thought process that plagues his responsible self.
= ) I love that man. He keeps me sane.
But sometimes the insane thoughts are fun to dream about.
And watch out Jenney… your kitten just might go missing. ; )
For Renee, Aunt Yvonne and all those whom have been waiting… it had been put in the back of my list of priorities for a while, but my Mom busted out a camera and so I figured I’d post an update despite the funky face I have in the picture. Hehe.
Oh and like I told my mom earlier, today at work a man said to me “Woah! Baby’s coming any day now, huh?”
Hahaha. Really smooth man!
Somewhere between 2.5 to 3 months to go.
And yes, friends, I have just bumped into the third trimester. Or as my fellow-pregnant-office-space-sharer co-worker says, “the home stretch.”
We came home tonight after getting our soon-to-be-arriving nephew a few baby-shower delights to find two eaten pencils, shredded book and chomped TV remote. That’s right, Dakota decided to share her puppy side. So now her puppy side is sitting in her cage for the evening with an occasional commentary of “bad dog” from myself as I cleaned up the mess. With a phone call Matt has a new remote headed our way free of charge. But sadly, Dakota’s puppyness has destroyed a book I was reading on some suggested methods to get our baby to sleep in more solid chunks through the night once kiddo comes. Apparently Dakota would like to see me suffer… once tonight and again come my return to work after baby arrives. That’s worth a “bad dog” in my book. Upon seeing the mess I announced to my laughing husband regarding leaving Dakota out of her cage when we are gone, “That’s the end of that.”
Who knows, maybe in a good 10 years she can convince me that she is a good dog again.
I awoke on this frosty October morning after a good night’s sleep (only 1 nightmare, 2 leg cramps, 2 bathroom trips, 1 trip for a drink, and 2 quick wake-ups to roll over). Seriously, friends, that’s a good night’s sleep for me and I am really blessed by having had such a good night’s sleep. I was well overdue and hurtin’ for some good sleep.
I’ve heard MercyMe’s new song, “God with us” and it’s really put the ‘normal’ sacrifice in a new light. It’s funny how normal the gospel can become and how typical the Christmas miracle can easily write it’s way into our regular holiday preparations. Emmanuel, friends… that God would choose to come to us blows my mind. Us… dude… us!!! And that God would stoop from all His glory and righteousness to save our sorry selves. Praise be to God for surely we don’t deserve it.
Attached are the following lyrics that have touched my heart on this morning and many mornings previous. It’s so powerful. Hey and if you want to borrow the CD from me I’d be more than happy to loan it to you (even way out in Iowa if you want to borrow it, Renee).
“God with Us” by MercyMe
Who are we that You would be mindful of us?
What do You see that’s worth looking our way?
We are free in ways that we never should be.
Sweet release from the grip of these chains.
Like hinges straining from the weight,
My heart no longer can keep from singing…
All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified:
God with us!
My heart sings a brand new song.
The debt is paid, these chains are gone.
God with us!
Lord, You know our hearts don’t deserve Your glory;
Still You show a love we cannot afford.
Like hinges straining from the weight,
My heart no longer can keep from singing…
All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified:
God with us!
My heart sings a brand new song.
The debt is paid, these chains are gone.
God with us!
<Such a tiny offering
Compared to Calvary;
We lay it at Your feet.
Such a tiny offering
Compared to Calvary;
We lay it at Your feet.>
All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified:
God with us!
My heart sings a brand new song.
The debt is paid, these chains are gone.
God with us!!!
***Click on the link to hear an excerpt of the song (you have to pick “God with Us” from the selection list). “God with us” soundbite.
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