I wanted to post these just because I like to look at people’s pictures on their blogs so much that I figured you might like it too.

Alright, I’m getting kicked – that’s my breakfast alarm. =)
Striving for a God-honoring daily legacy amid life's beautiful adventure.
I wanted to post these just because I like to look at people’s pictures on their blogs so much that I figured you might like it too.
Alright, I’m getting kicked – that’s my breakfast alarm. =)
Attention: Mr. Charles Horse
It has been brought to the attention of maintenance and management that you have been residing in the Right Calf Building with violation of our building codes. Neighbors have made complaints of a physical altercation that occurred on Tuesday, the second day of September in the year of two thousand and eight at the hour of five o’clock in the A.M. Officer Calcium reported having given forewarning of the consequences of any such altercation the previous night at ten o’clock in the P.M. Officer Flex also reported of his attempts to settle the altercation, but the lasting tension resulting from the altercation has continued to plague neighbors in the building. It is, therefore, in violation of the building code rules of keeping the peace and working in harmony that management has regretfully given this notice. Unfortunately, in light of the severity of this physical altercation and the unresponsiveness to correctional forces, it is on this day, Tuesday, the second day of September in the two thousand and eighth year that you are receiving this eviction notice. Your belongings are to be collected at the front of the property by noon today and any soreness or damages left behind will be billed as outstanding charges. Any noncooperation with this immediate eviction will result in further legal actions.
– Management #011985
Some vacation quirks and perks are the following:
And last but not least… more pictures.
american bridal falls
I can claim to be a cross-country, out of state (for 1 semester), out of city, out of town, and across the parking lot mover. And despite the fact that I’ve only moved a handful or so times, I have learned a few things about moving. #1. Home feels funny for a while. #2. Some friends trickle off. #3. Eventually “normal” catches back up. And #4. Moving is always done best with someone else as opposed to all alone.
I mention this now because normal is beginning to reform again in my life. Or in other words, Matt’s words, “It’s funny how quickly we adapt. Our apartment living seems so far away now even though we have only lived in the house for a month and a half.” When the word “home” is said, where do you think of? I think of the walk down our hallway (the direct center of our house). The feeling of the carpet on dirty bare feet. The sound of the AC and the water heater’s random outbursts. And I think of the kitty running beside you, reminding you of his level of starvation. The husband, waiting at the end of the hallway or in the office.
It’s that home that you look for after moving. It’s that home that you yearn for at the completion of vacation. It’s that home that you want at the end of the workday. It’s that home that I find myself randomly missing as the work day drags on. That space of “away.” That space of warmth and complete love for the weak and strong in you. It’s that home that we hope to bring this baby to. And soon, that this puppy will completely rearrange for a few weeks or so. It’s that home that Matt and I had a long conversation on the drive home about sharing with others. It’s that home. It could be anywhere.
But it’s home.
After this, Jesus went around in Galilee, purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews there were waiting to take his life. But when the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was near, Jesus’ brothers said to him, “You ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.” For even his own brothers did not believe in him. Therefore Jesus told them, “The right time for me has not yet come; for you any time is right. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil. You go to the Feast. I am not yet going up to this Feast, because for me the right time has not yet come.” Having said this, he stayed in Galilee. – John 7 : 1-9
I’ve been reading John lately in my quiet times. I enjoy a good bowl of cereal and John. John’s theme regards the Deity of Christ. The all-knowing, fully God and fully man Christ. Prior to this passage Jesus had just fed the multitude the fish and loaves and explained his Deity and salvation to a Jewish leadership population who did not understand. These same Jewish leaders were seeking to kill Jesus due to his claiming of Deity.
As I read this passage, I wondered what Jesus was saying through the statement, “The right time for me has not yet come; for you any time is right. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil.” All I could think was the following: Jesus’ brothers spoke in words of disbelief. Therefore, disbelief is not a threat to disbelief. But Jesus was such a threat because he made the defined line. Right and wrong. And those who stood on the wrong side stood with arrogance and frustration that they were “of Moses” despite the fact that “of Moses” failed to exist. Christ stated earlier in John that Moses condemned, but He came to save. See, the Law defines that all can’t live up to it;s standard. Who has never hated another? Who has never kept from disrespecting their parents? Who has ever chosen their own good over another’s? Yet Christ came preaching the Truth of that Law. And since it was not seen that the Law was a division, the division was attributed to Christ as well. Jesus came with a sword. But He didn’t just leave with a sword, He left with availability, a torn veil, an open communication line.
Beyond those Truths, I wondered if the world would see me more as a threat because I live my life with clear definition of right and wrong… or if I could merely “go to the Feast” and blend in. Am I threat to the world? Or am I merely a product of a culture? Because no matter if you’re “of Christ” or outside of Christ, it can be seen that Christ came not as a peacekeeper, but instead created a line of division that the world has been struggling with since his first coming. After all, aren’t we supposed to be Christ-like in our behaviors? For what is Christianity without Christ?
– what do you think? –
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