I cannot say that satisfaction has come to me regarding life’s current demands in comparison to my desires, but I am able to report to you faithful 2 or 3 readers that I am at a greater peace with the pace and requirements of this stage of my life than I have been in sinse finding employment where I am employed. While I continue to seek employment in my mindset and, time permitting (HA!), with tools during my freetime. But it has come to me, through a series of mind-changing thought processes by the Lord, that there very well may be an end to this tunnel. And this claustrophobic, nyctophobic (or Scotophobic), situational perminency-phobic will one day be a non-existent, dreamlike phase of a life once-known to be “now.”
Sarah left the church Sunday. And it hurt then. But it hurts now too… a bit worse. See, she was the only real friend I had there. And the only one even remotely close to my age. And it’s funny how much it meant to me to see her there. And knowing that I won’t see her there anymore hurts. It hurts like knowing I won’t see Robin at church hurt… and still does sometimes hurt, even though I never expected her to be at Miamisburg.
Because it Changes
Today I feel old again. Yes, I can no longer tell people that I am 22. But even though I haven’t been 22 for a almost 2 weeks now, I just feel old.
You know Lord,
Sometimes I don’t understand why You have me where I am. I don’t know why the things that hurt do and why home is such a hard concept some days. I don’t know why this transition period seems to be a forever period. Or why time seems to evade us and melt into the distance. It’s weird how this light of hope seems like an illusion that is nearly burning out and yet I know so much better than to believe that lie. It’s like some days seem like years of being stuck in a hole with only a little wick left. The question then remains if I will look toward the light, or merely stare into the overwhelming darkness.
Savior, You can move the mountains.
My God is mighty to save.
He is mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation.
He rose and conquered the grave.
Jesus conquered the grave.
Please, Lord… move me or move my mind……
And a nap would be nice.
-end post.-
Moving on
To praise You with my song
[Your] dreams at hand, I’ve found my place
the place where I belong…”