Wordless Wednesdays: Responsibly Fun!

Rinsing and putting dishes aside to dry…

 It’s simple, but it communicates such trust in her independence and ability.

 [FYI, no my three year old did not handle the knives. 😉 ]

Love her. 

– Proud Mommy.

Wordless Wednesday: Gone Fishing

Ingredients: fridge magnets, some kind of string, stick from backyard (debarked would be smart – we learned later. hehe.), “catching dish”, (optional) a few drops of blue food dye in water, and large dose of excitement. 
 Abi trying to catch with hands, not fishing pole. 😉

 Our day’s great catch. =)
– fun indeed!

Wordless Wednesdays: Generations

When my Mom stayed up late to finish this for her little three year old’s birthday,
 Me (3 years old)

I wonder if she ever thought this would happen:
Rachael (2 years old)
Abi (2 years old)
– Because some things you just want to pass down.

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