We have been going through a spiritual battle lately. Ironically, returning to Mozambique to continue on with the Lord’s work, after having testified to God’s handiwork in the States, has resulted in some new waves of spiritual warfare for our family. (Go figure, right?) How the Deceiver loves to capitalize on our weaknesses. And while I am still a baby in the world of spiritual warfare, Matt and I are finding a renewed bracing on the Word of God itself.
We are too weak to fight. We are but broken people. But our Lord? Oh our LORD has ALL the victory. And we are learning to guild ourselves better with the Word of God. To arm ourselves better in His very armor. Taking Him at His Word. And using the Word to fight our battles. Literally taking His Word to the conflicts, praying His Words back to Him, meditating on His Words, journaling His Words and singing His Words. He is our defense. He is our everything. The Rock of our salvation will not be moved!
Lord, lead us into this battle, we are willing.
This song has become a theme song in my heart lately as I fall before Him.
He WILL win the battle. HIS is the victory.
Oh God Who makes the mountains melt, come wrestle us and win!
Lord of Hosts, You’re with us. With us in the fire. With us as a shelter. With us in the storm. You will lead us, through the fiercest battle. Oh where else could we go but with the Lord of Hosts!
Today, to celebrate Thanksgiving in a foreign world that doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, we went to the beach.
And it was a lovely morning and early afternoon to “get away” together as a family.
How we enjoyed slowing down and exploring some hands-on science of checking out dead jelly fish on the shore.
Our Stateside swim lessons for the Littles also provided much joy and peace for the entire family.
Then we came home where two native Americans and two pilgrims joined us for Thanksgiving dinner 🙂
It was simple and it was also simply delightful to share in a thankful meal together. Each person went around the table and shared three things they are thankful for.
And even after the meal was finished, the sorority laughed and chatted on so.
Yes, it was another marvelous Mozambican Thanksgiving.
It was a whirlwind day after a whirlwind get-away, but happiest of birthdays to my newest 8 year old.
You chose an animal themed party, asking everyone to bring their favorite stuffed animal and couldn’t wait to hear about everyone’s furry friend as we went around the room and shared.
You were over-the-moon excited to have family near and were so gratefully overjoyed at every new animal trinket or toy you were showered with today.
Hannah Joy, you are such a delight. Your joy radiates until others around you can’t help but smile. You are a ball of energy who is 100% committed to being helpful. How you seek out the right paths with such determination, child. Hannah, you’re my wild child and still my biggest, uncontrollable laugher who is always on the lookout for an adventure. You continue to soar through life because you just love life and all it has to offer. You’re reaching for the stars and bounding for the moon, child, and I’m doing everything I can to keep pace behind you as you embrace life head-on. Girlie, I’m right behind you, let’s explore! Your heart is so big and your curiosity and compassion are endless, precious girl. I’m overjoyed to see you grow up and mature into the wonderful little lady that you already are and yet are also continuing to pursue. I love you so, so much, Hanny. It’s an utter privilege to be your mommy.
You have such a beautifully compassionate heart, my love.
Thirteen years, love. Four kids. Six pregnancies. Twenty pets. Eight countries visited. Two countries of residency. Two languages. And a lifetime more of adventure on our horizon.
This season of Stateside has been amazing and challenging to say the least. Life is always a mixed bag. And since we do transitions best with a pet nearby, we decided to throw in some ducks to our mix for a couple of months.
They started out, straight from the post office (you can mail birds!), super tiny and snuggly. And naturally irresistible.
And they just made their way into our everyday lives.
A little pool-side summer reading…Meeting a new friend
We even got to take showers with the ducks. You know, all because childhood should come with MUCH squealing and laughter.
They grew up fast and before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye as they moved to the farm.
They enjoyed one last shower and one last swim in the baby pool.
And then it was time to load up!
Our drive was long and allowed for some leg snuggles.
Goodbye, sweet duckies! Thanks for being so sweet, never biting us, and all the fun memories.
Rachael with she and Abi’s duck, Quack-on-Gin.Abi with she and Rachael’s duck, Quack-on-Gin.Hannah with her duck, Padme Quackmidala.Eden with her heavy duck, Sunny Rey.“Aflac!”
“Do you think they’ll remember us?” Hannah asked quietly from the backseat as we drove away from the farm.
“I don’t think ducks have memories quite like we do but I think they felt safe with us, Hanny. And I don’t think we’ll forget them.” I told her.
“Yeah…” she said with a smile as she looked out the window.