Four Months

You turned four months on Easter this year. You’re a lightweight at 12.5lbs (5.6kg) and 27.5 inches (70cm). Thanks to your Daddy’s genes you are in 6 month clothing and off the charts due to your height alone, with much room to expand in your string-bean torso. But thankfully you have those kissable cheeks we all can’t resist.

(One of her last days in “tiny baby” clothing before we couldn’t smash her height into it anymore)

Your laugh, child, is to die for and keeps us all instantly wanting to “do it again” regarding whatever your little sense of humor found to be so entertaining. And yes, you’ve started just laughing when you’re a bit slap happy tired before sleep times, which makes us all giggle too.

(Playing dress-up with her sisters)

You still have gorgeous baby blues that fluctuate between crystal blue, gray and all the shades in between just like your big sister, Abi.

And so far you’ve kept your “Hannah” honey-red hair. Your temperament is 💯% elated joy or 💯% meltdown wrath. And yes, those two extremes can be found within the same 10 second window. 😂

You love books already, instantly stopping what you’re doing to give your full attention to a story and you’re even starting to enjoy looking at the pictures.

Tummy time isn’t instantly bad anymore and you rolled over the day after you turned four months just to prove once again that time flies. You have figured out how to stand when assisted and prefer to be held facing out so you can see all life’s action.

You still love taking naps in our arms and being swaddled, but enjoy yourself a solid nap on mommy and daddy’s bed and also sleep in your bed at night. And while that three to four month sleep regression hit you harder than any of your sisters, you’re beginning to return back to your 6:30p- 2:30/3:30a sleeping stretch, feed and then sleep until 5:30/6a pattern.

(You will fall asleep at 6:30p wherever you are.)

Love you to pieces, Smalls, and I’m so thankful you completed our ladies basketball team. 😉

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