It was a whirlwind day after a whirlwind get-away, but happiest of birthdays to my newest 8 year old.
You chose an animal themed party, asking everyone to bring their favorite stuffed animal and couldn’t wait to hear about everyone’s furry friend as we went around the room and shared.
You were over-the-moon excited to have family near and were so gratefully overjoyed at every new animal trinket or toy you were showered with today.
Hannah Joy, you are such a delight. Your joy radiates until others around you can’t help but smile. You are a ball of energy who is 100% committed to being helpful. How you seek out the right paths with such determination, child. Hannah, you’re my wild child and still my biggest, uncontrollable laugher who is always on the lookout for an adventure. You continue to soar through life because you just love life and all it has to offer. You’re reaching for the stars and bounding for the moon, child, and I’m doing everything I can to keep pace behind you as you embrace life head-on. Girlie, I’m right behind you, let’s explore! Your heart is so big and your curiosity and compassion are endless, precious girl. I’m overjoyed to see you grow up and mature into the wonderful little lady that you already are and yet are also continuing to pursue. I love you so, so much, Hanny. It’s an utter privilege to be your mommy.
You have such a beautifully compassionate heart, my love.
Today you turned 6, Eden! I still can’t believe it! I mean we all expect you to just keep on growing, by the grace of God, but at the same time it is so utterly shocking that you are getting SO BIG!
Today we celebrated you with letting you open those presents early this morning that you had been DYING to open for months now. Nope, we didn’t make you wait a second longer than we could drag Daddy from bed (sorry, Matt) because the rest of us were all up.
And yes, naturally the ducklings needed a front row seat.
And then we just let you play, play, play: dolls, house, princesses, magic wands – your morning was filled with much imagination and love. Breakfast wasn’t even on your radar once the gifts were opened and there were games to be played. Even the ducklings took a back seat to all the excitement… temporarily before they were introduced into your game. Ha! (Sorry, ducks- there is too much love for you guys.)
Our day held our online conference, a special birthday message from your kid’s class teacher, and an afternoon of more play fun (and even taking your dolls to the library!).
The birthday dinner of your choice this year was nachos, which left everyone enjoying the fruit of your great pick. Mmm.
“Did you only eat all the black olives off of your nachos?”
Eden’s silent response:
Purple cupcakes, of course, and a side of moose tracks ice cream (ahh, one of the wonders of America, Eden!) and you felt thoroughly celebrated and honored as we went around the table and shared what we love about you.
Oh Eden-girl, you are such a wonderful kid. We all adore you and your genuine little heart. Life is so wonderful and has so much to offer in your joyful world. You utterly delight over the simplicity of being given a piece of candy when others wouldn’t think anything of it. You dance and sing at all possible occasions. And you are so snuggly. The world has all been the same playing field of a learning curve for you. Mozambique has so many layers of culture to learn for the first time and America as well. But you embrace both with open arms and much courage. I admire your willingness to try even when you hold Daddy or my leg for a little more reassurance in a shy moment. I’m thankful that you know our legs will always be there. We are in this together, Beeden! You are quick to say thank you, going out of your way to say it many times and in different ways in an outpouring of gratitude. And I absolutely love that you find just as much joy in homemade gifts as in store bought ones. You wear your heart on your sleeve, loving others deeply and intentionally. And you bust out silly dance moves when you’re happy with zero shame. Haha. Be your awesome “lost five teeth in two weeks” self, kid! I hope you never stop hugging ducks and squealing at how adorable every animal is that walks by. I hope you never stop laughing uncontrollably at absolutely nothing. I hope you never stop giving monster hugs to people you met yesterday, but have proven to be trustworthy in your loving worldview. I hope you never stop singing at the top of your lungs when you don’t know any of the words to the song but have 300% confidence that it doesn’t matter because you’re going to have a great time regardless. Eden, you are an absolute delight of a child and it is an honor to get to be your mommy. Thank you for being my little Eden-Beeden. And Happiest of birthdays, sweet girlie. I cannot wait to see what God continues to have in store for you in year six!
Today Abi turned 10 and I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it. Over the weekend we enjoyed a Star Wars themed party with family.
She was spoiled by family love without a doubt.
Complete with Jedi training course (and Yoda in the backpacks, naturally). My little Leia may be blinking, but that smile was there permanently this past Saturday.
Today, we celebrated with Aunt Jes, Uncle Nayt and Rori in Minnesota.
We had some great backyard water play. Later, lasagna was her birthday dinner of choice. (Yay for being in a country with the ingredients this year!)
And who wouldn’t pick angel food cake with strawberries and chocolate whipped creme instead of birthday cake?
You are an absolute gem of a child. You love others so well, thrilling in going out of your way to serve them. Whether it’s bringing your almost two year old cousin downstairs to play Baby Shark music and dance with her because you love her squealing excitement or spending your allowance money on this to spoil your sisters, you have such a pure, giving heart. You think so much about others and pay attention to the little things that bless them. You are a lover of bike tricks (28 seconds with your hands off the handlebars in your record), all things Star Wars and Legos. How quickly you run to help and how blissfully you dance to ballet songs and sing at the top of your lungs in the car to the Phantom of the Opera. You are just my chill kid, happy and calm. Your hands are always open to others and your smile is an outpouring of your heart. You’re quick to give bear hugs and the first to share your stuffed toys (even giving one of your four away to someone younger than you because it brings them joy). Sweet girl, you have the heart of Jesus in you and it’s so amazing to watch you learn and grow in faith through your consistent reading of the Word.
Precious, Abi, you are such a sweetheart and I’m so blessed to be your mom. Never stop seeing the best in others, beautiful girl, and know that your mommy is applauding your every dream, every passion and every childhood delight. I couldn’t love you more, beautiful Abi. Thank you for being such an amazing kid. Can’t wait to see what year 10 has in store for you.
As Matt and I plan to visit back to the States we have taken the opportunity to reflect on the past term of living in Mozambique. Some beautiful stories have arisen amid long car rides as we have seen God’s hand at work. Sure the challenge still remains and we’ve had our fair share of reflecting on overcoming and living in those challenge tensions too.
In the spirit of preparing our hearts, we’ve also taken on the healthy task of decluttering again. After having given away 70% of everything we owned before moving to Mozambique and having lived a year in Quelimane “virtually out of suitcases”, we have grown and continue to grow in living simply.
As we were giving away some things to a precious friend, she graciously and thoughtfully made her selections from the things on our table. I loved listening to her thinking through the dishes and hearing her vocalize leaving things for others. But one phrase caught my heart as I listened. I had picked up a coffee cup from a reputable place which we both knew was a quality make. “Oh, I won’t take this one. I already have one and it has lasted me for years.” She placed it back down on the table contentedly. But the words hung in the air.
How quickly would I have thought about keeping a back-up cup? How quickly would I have thought to replace mine with the hope that the one on the table would outlast my old one? But here the lesson spoke truer, “I already have one.” It’s a lesson in contentment. A lesson in simplicity. I already have ONE. And she literally means just one.
Matt and I are still learning to live in the one, trusting not in our own provision but just… trusting. There’s nothing wrong in replacing the broken or the tired- in fact I’m thankful for a team coming in a couple of weeks that will be helping us replace some three year old items that are beyond limping along. But I just wanted to share this story in hopes that it could be an encouragement to others. Simplicity has been so freeing and so faith growing.
We are learning what to keep in extra. (You know, like a spare tire? 😉) And how to find contentment and freeing joy by a less full shelf. Because as it turns out, that shelf is as full as it needs to be. It truly IS enough.
The first year we were here in our current city, I sat down with the girls for a little stenciling fun. The girls made fun princesses, nature scenes and cute little animals while I made this reminder for our wall. Dear ones, I am still very much learning this lesson, but I can speak from my heart that this lessons is so incredibly freeing and true.
Lord, please continueto grow my faith. Please mature me, Father, like my sister who graciously and with a heart of gratitude returned the coffee cup to the table. I trust in Your provision, even in the little things. You are and will always be MORE than enough. Thank You, Lord. HOW You provide. I am overwhelmed. Thank You for the reminder through my sister today.
In some ways it makes total sense and in some ways it completely baffles my mind:
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How is this kid 11 today?!!
Your birthday this year was spend decorating your own cupcakes, opening a few wonderful gifts, and going to the local restaurant that has swings for dinner (fries and Fanta, anyone?). It was a simple and joyful time celebrating your gentle, thoughtful, loving self. We adore you, kid, and the joy you bring to our home. Thank you for taking long walks with me just so we can talk about anything under the sun, thank you for caring for those younger than you so well, daring to serve when it’s not easy. It is a joy being your mommy and an utter delight to get to encourage you as you learn and grow. So to my always curious, book devouring, self-motivated, Scripture memorizing, anatomy and physiology study exploring, craft project delighting, ukulele strumming, now harmonica blowing, 10k run conquering, living room dancing, lego constructing, Portuguese mastering, culture crossing, little kid including, patience yielding, heart-felt serving, conversation contributing, smile causing adventurer:
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🎉Happiest of birthdays, sweet Rachael.🎉
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Daddy and I love you so much and are so honored to be your parents.
We cannot wait to see what year 11 has in store for you, sweet girl.
Hannah Joy, you are such an amazing blessing in our lives. You are such a delight, child. You are Ms. Energy, Ms. Hilarious Laughter, Ms. Spontaneous Sing and Dance Break, Ms. Toothless Smile, Ms. Ray of Sunshine, Ms. Spunk. Hannah, we adore you, child, and your wonderful, adventurous world. Congratulations on leaping into your seventh year with your usual utterly giggly and playful self. You kicked off your seventh birthday rocking a 1.8k (1.15mile) run with me, complete with skipping and high fives along the way. Then after a great day of homeschool, you squealed over Daddy making nachos, as was your birthday dinner choice. And, naturally, you encouraged us all to dress up in our best outfits for your proper, Queenly (and messy) meal. Chocolate cupcakes with blue frosting, soda on a non-Friday (🎉), and a bag of your own candies made. your. world. Opening a few wonderful presents from overly-thoughtful family who sent them along with us to Africa and you rounded out your birthday with huge smiles and many giggles. You even got to say hello to one of your favorite people, cousin Rori, who you always gush over that, “she is just so cuuute!”
Sweet Hannah Joy, happiest of birthdays, girlie.
We are so proud of and encouraged by the spunky little lady you are.